So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

Yea thats definitely not right.

However isnt scaling with tanks abit wonky atm in all delves? Or is just this fool?

You shouldn’t be getting hit like that through defensives rofl.

Tank specs currently take 3x the damage DPS specs do. Healers take 2x.

To be that guy, i did this on a hunter which has buggy as sin issues with hunters mark and zekvir with brann not generating threat

Its perfectly doable at 590 the literal problem is by nature of how delves are scaling which is backwards and punishes solo play, something that was sold for solo friendly scales poorly for solo.

Its a design issue not necessarily player issue

In all delves or just this boss?

Im just curious.

All delves in solo.

Its everything solo delves dont scale appropriately at all
Theres an article already about this where someone tested and solo is just far more punishment

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Not just solo vs group, but tank, DPS, and healers all take wildly differing amounts of damage.

that article is more in specific regards to tank specializations though ain’t it?

Yea its probably either an oversight or a bug then.

If its doing that much in regular delves i can only assume the boss is gonna be way more scaled up against tanks.

Not just tanks, healers take 2x the damage DPS do.

The variance is applicable for everyone

My pets on a +10 randomly just get deleted
Heralds are extemely over tuned for solo to the point you are forced to reset the delve until you dont get a bad spawn
Waterworks delve yesterday was hitting tanks for 26m on +10
I was taking 8m ticks from the dot

Its just skewed way too far

Have you tried to fight him as a.dps to test if you can kill him?

I don’t have a 2-hander, and I don’t have a second one-hander to try. I did switch to fury to see if it was true, and I started taking 1.1m-1.6m hits instead of 4m+.

Still 1.1m is kinda excessive imo. Idk how u warriors do it. Atleast i got wog.

I really don’t know. But right now, I get clapped through cooldowns in under 10 seconds as prot, and can live about 5x as long as fury. Maybe I’ll have to farm out some 2-handers and try it as DPS. What a disappointment.

I could solo Tier (?) as 601 ret pal, but I can’t imagine Tier (??)

Dang maybe i should go try it then, am at 603.

Im lazy af tho and unlocking him is alot of work rofl.

DPS Brann with the idol where he takes aim at you and fires a big shot will 1-tap the egg or spider if it spawns.

Do you run him as dps or heals when playing ret out of curiosity?

I haven’t looked up what to do with him, ive kinda just been winging it.

There is a video of Xaryu doing it on Arcane mage.

at 593 Ilevel.

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