So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

This kind of talk makes me want to prog harder so I can solo him. Blizz got this right.

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The tuning for tanks is off horribly. Ive seen a lot of people talk about it and tried t8’s (non bountiful) as Prot Pally and Warrior. Ret and Fury were doable for me. The tank specs were getting smacked way harder even through their massive tank buster CD’s.

Edit: auto correct

What exactly did they get right? That Unholy/Frost DKs can get the mount?

Tanks, healers, and DPS take wildly different amounts of damage(proven); defending that is ridiculous.

I’m too busy having fun in the delves to defend them.


Lmao, you are defending the scaling issues though. Tanks take 3x the damage DPS do when soloing.

I managed to solo him on my Prot Paladin, but it took a Divine Shield, Lay on Hands, cycling through my defensives and a Health Pot.

Someone posted a video of an Arcane mage soloing him earlier. Actually didn’t look too bad.

to my shame I’m already reconsidering who I use as I’m finding I don’t got enough leech on my shadow priest atm. Does San’layn unholy DK work well for Delves by chance?

So? I’m soloing T8s sub-580 as a prot war. It’s a decent challenge for max vault gear.

Im pretty sure that 600ilvl is for the rank of delve your doing not that boss specifically.

Honestly if ppl could solo the s1 boss at 590 id call delves a complete failure.

For what it’s worth, 640 isn’t even an achievable ilvl for S1. Gear stops at 639. It’d be a pretty sweet troll if Blizz put a 640 ilvl recommendation on something, but I don’t think they would’ve done that. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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It’s literally the only mob in that entire delve.

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Lots of people have… though only a handful of specific specs.

I get that but the difficulty is basing it on the delve level not what inside, if that makes sense. Atleast thats how i figure it is.

Im sure they didnt expect anyone to actually kill him week 1.

The delve level is “??” and the suggested level is 600+.

Can you not select what tier to do for his? Sorry i haven’t tried it yet since i heard u needed 630+.

There is two tiers for Zekvir. “??” which is unlocked by clearing tier 7 with deaths remaining, and “??” which is unlocked by clearing tier 10 with deaths remaining.

I have Immortal Spelunker, and this is broken.

Oh, i had assumed it worked the same as others. My fault.

I honestly have zero idea lol. Maybe it is?

He kills me through shield wall, demo shout, and shield block in under 10 seconds with regular melee attacks.

It’s broken for tanks.

not going to say its a tuning issue cause at this point it can easily be a gear or skill issue. but it feels like this guy is balanced around ranged classes and completely ignores the existence of melee. How are we even suppose to burst down the egg before it hatches when the cone one shot aoe is always ontop of it.