So how exactly was this Not "Garrosh 2.0?"

I was all hyped up for a patch 6.3 where we went to alternate Azeroth and it’d all been corrupted by Medivh and we had to fight all these heroes from the old Alliance.

But of course my hopes never came to pass.

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Think of the quest where we have to baby sit baby Arthas and convince baby Jania that she should give up magic and become a seamstress instead??

Because Sylv wants the old gods dead, Garrosh wanted to eat their hearts

As long as the babysitting Arthas quest somehow, and totally inadvertently leads to his entire rise to evil, I’m totally on board.

It’d be freaking hilarious if our nobody player character basically incepted him.

(Blizzard please don’t actually do this oh god)

You’re ignoring a whole lot of nuance with this generalized summary.

For example:

Garrosh was not a ‘questionable’ choice. He was an accepted choice and he had support from the vast majority of the Horde, except for Vol’jin and Sylvanas, although Sylvanas was more subtle with her feelings toward the Warchief, never admitting to him or his officers that she was working against him. Cairne only turned against him after he was fooled into believing that Garrosh attacked a peaceful summit, when it was in fact the Twilight’s Hammer that was responsible.

Garrosh’s ‘honourless target’ was not actually an honourless target. It was a military target, however the disregard he showed for his own troops and his willingness to use a weapon of mass destruction is what ultimately caused members of the Horde to question his leadership.

The only individual that he arranged to have killed before his paranoia took over was Vol’jin, who I’ll remind you, threatened to assassinate Garrosh, so it wasn’t exactly an ‘undeserving act’. As for the old god powers, he was trying to empower the Horde with that power, and was willing to experiment on his own troops to see the effects and if they could be used to his advantage.

Ultimately Garrosh turned the majority of the Horde against him. The only races that really aided him during the siege were Orcs and Goblins. The rest of the races of the Horde were allied with Vol’jin and the rebels and while he was defeated, you’re ignoring the fact that he didn’t escape immediately and it took the interference of the Black Prince and a rogue Bronze Dragon to ensure he escaped.

Now let’s compare that to Sylvanas:

She was very much a questionable choice as she had done very little to earn her role as Warchief, although she got respect from the other leaders of the Horde immediately and none of them challenged her rule during the war against the Legion.

She did attack a civilian target in an honourless move, but it did not ‘turn the Horde against her’ it made a few horde members start to question her decisions, but ultimately only a few were actually willing to defect from the Horde right away including Saurfang and Zekhan. In fact, the vast majority of the Horde supported Sylvanas’s actions even though they resulted in her losing Lordaeron.

She only arranged to have one former Horde leader killed and that was Thrall when she realized that Saurfang would go to him for aid. Baine would have been left alone if he didn’t commit treason, which he did. Even though many players and many of the NPCs in the story see it as the right thing, he did ultimately commit treason, hence why he was arrested and why he would have been put to death.

Her use of old god powers was only to empower herself. She did not experiment and try to force the power on any other individual.

Finally, Sylvanas had the majority of the Horde by her side when Saurfang and his rebellion showed up at the gates of Orgrimmar. Had she kept her mouth shut and NOT said that the Horde meant nothing she would have retained that loyalty and been able to use that to wipe out the rebels and the Alliance forces aligned against her. Instead, while she won the fight against Saurfang, she lost the loyalty of the Horde and she fled.

Big differences between the characters there, but I suppose if you’re just going to boil it down to extreme basics, then yes it would be similar.

Having players killing main characters has always bugged me TBH, like if you ever read the Illidan book, near the end it pretty much goes over the whole raid fight and its literally the dumbest thing to read/listen too. Personally, while im sad Garrosh died, its better that another character does it instead of 20 people doing it.

You’re ignoring a whole lot of nuance with this generalized summary.

For example:

Garrosh was not a ‘questionable’ choice. He was an accepted choice and he had support from the vast majority of the Horde, except for Vol’jin and Sylvanas, although Sylvanas was more subtle with her feelings toward the Warchief, never admitting to him or his officers that she was working against him. Cairne only turned against him after he was fooled into believing that Garrosh attacked a peaceful summit, when it was in fact the Twilight’s Hammer that was responsible.

No, he was definitely a questionable choice. From the very beginning he was portrayed as a frothing at the mouth warmonger. IIRC the first cutscene he was in was the Ulduar intro where Varian was able to bait and nearly off him. We then had him mocking Saurfang in Borean Tundra for caring about such stupid things as “Supplies and logistics”. We saw him abandoning an escort mission to attack alliance (Surprise, the stuff he was escorting got attacked 5 minutes later). Every horde NPC involved in these scenarios was either appalled or at least rolling their eyes at the stupidity.

And his “Honorless” target was exactly that, he bombed Jaina who up to then had been one of the ones most in support of the Horde (again, the first time we saw him Thrall was bringing him to visit her to get free information they didn’t have). It was a complete surprise strike. The same as Teldrassil.

Yes, it’s all not all the same, Sylvannas is an undead elf and Garrosh was an Orc and whatnot. But it’s very obviously the same overall plotline. Coloring over a green line with a red marker doesn’t change the design.

This one, right here.

At this point I’ve stopped caring, just waiting to see who gets butchered next.

Garrosh didn’t complete Pathfinder 2.0 so he couldn’t fly.

Sylvanas did.

In Mists, you didn’t have pathfinder, you just paid for flying once you hit max level. Garrosh obviously just hadn’t saved enough gold yet.


Expansion isn’t over yet.

Not according to the lore he wasn’t. He questioned his own worth, but the choice that made him the Warchief was not ‘questionable’ it was clear and decisive. Was he the first choice? No, but Thrall considered him to be the best choice of the available candidates.

Theramore was a legitimate military target as Jaina, despite her talks of neutrality was allowing the Alliance to station troops in her city, and those troops were then moving through Dustwallow Marsh along a road that linked the Marsh to the Barrens where they engaged in active skirmishes with the Horde. She also had forces engaging with the Horde in the Northern Barrens and in Dutotar.

Jaina was trying to have her cake and eat it too by claiming neutrality while actively supporting the Alliance war effort. Garrosh saw her as a legitimate military target, a rallying point for the Alliance forces in the south, so he crushed her.

Yeah, every character in WoW is too stupid to even be alive.

The ending cinematic wasn’t Siege of Orgrimmar 2.0…

It was Wrathgate 2.0…

She wouln’t have done that if garrosh didn’t invaded the nelfs first.
you can’t deny that she tried all she could for peace. like she not siding with daelin or stopping varian in undercity.

She also pretty much saved thunderbluff during that period.

Sure, she pushed for peace, but you can’t house Alliance military forces in your city and let them travel through your lands to attack the enemy and not expect any blowback for it. Jaina could have, and should have said no and told the Alliance to use Feralas as their staging ground.

Would Garrosh have attacked her anyway? Potentially. He was very much anti-any race that isn’t orc. So he could have preemptively struck at Theramore ‘just because’. And had he done that, then yes, it would have been an honourless target. But he didn’t, and it wasn’t.

oh sure, is just that she wasn’t neutral either, in fact the reason why by example sylvanas didn’t wanted to attack the place was because she would have to deal with the alliance retaliating to undercity.

well he was planning to conquer the world so is safe to say that he would have attacked anyway considering that he wanted the whole kalimdor.

and he captured the civillians to torture them, that sure as hell isn’t honorable.

True, he did, but I have a feeling that IF Jaina had done nothing. No assistance to the Alliance, no troops attacking the Horde (because you know, can’t forget that. Her forces could be found not only in Dustwallow engaging the Horde but also in the Barrens, Stonetalon, Desolace and Durotar) then Baine would have been able to convince Garrosh that she wasn’t a threat to him.

Simple fact is, that she let the Alliance use her city and her lands, and she attacked the Horde. She doesn’t get to play the neutral card after that. In fact, I’m honestly surprised that no one in the lore called her out for her hypocrisy.

so you think that she should have abandoned the alliance and her allies because it would mean that her city would be safe despite that after garrosh finish the nelfs and the alliance she would lose the city anyway?.

Hum,maybe because she wasn’t neutral? like, the nelfs were her allies since the end of the third war. sylvanas didn’t wanted to attack because the alliance would retaliate. meaning that she always has been alliance afiliated.
Dalaran was neutral until they decided to help her.

i don’t think that she is angry because “her city was neutral” but rather because all what she did for peace was for nothing.