So how exactly was this Not "Garrosh 2.0?"

Because Garrosh was good for years and Sylvannas has be evil the entire time. Garrosh is more akin to Kael’thas than Sylvannas is anything both were made bosses because why not.

Also Garrosh was taken over by the Old God, whereas she basically has powered herself up with the help of the priest artifact Old God.

Not true, Blizzard made a point to say that Garrosh was using the heart to empower himself but was in full control. Again, the stories are basically mirrored.

Yea but he was corrupted, he didn’t start out corrupted like Sylvanas did. Who knows at this point lol. I’m still of the mind that Sylvanas had died at the end of LK, and whoever came back wasn’t Sylvanas.

Either that or she saw where she was going and didn’t like it so much she was hell bent on preventing herself from going there, even so far as to overcome it. I like my first theory though rofl :slight_smile:

At this point I don’t thing their comment about MoP 2.0/garrosh 2.0 was denying it. I think it was more like confirming it and confirming she was worse.

Like if garrosh was a 7 on the evil scale, sylvanas would be a 9 and think garrosh was a chump.

But she’s still Morally Grey. Right? Right?!


About as gray as #343434 jet gray.

(That is a very dark almost black gray.)

Garrosh’s story didn’t make me Cringe.


It was odd though, because in Cata Garrosh was a completely different character. He was honorable and definitely not such a racist that he ostracized everyone else within the Horde.

In Cata, he booted a commander off a cliff for using a bomb…then uses a bigger bomb on Theramore. As mentioned before, he also abhorred corruption by Old Gods and demon blood and such…then did it to himself, willingly.

So many character changes, similar to Sylvanas. Ms. anti-lich king becoming lich queen? Makes little sense to me.

We didn’t get to kill her sadly.

Heck we didn’t even get a chance to deal 10% of her HP then get mass-stunned for a monologue.

I might have said it before but I thought it was a rip off from Harry Potter personally. You know, like a deatheater doing their thing.


We didn’t get to kill Garrosh either. He was put down by Thrall, because he felt responsible for everything that happened. We do get to fight him, as I’m sure we’ll get to fight Sylvanas too.

Yes, I’m not the only one that thought that! I immediately thought of Bellatrix LeStrange cackling.


I remember something about that being a disconnect between writers who wrote the zone quests. In the Twilight Highlands he nearly got himself and all of the horde killed because of his battle lust.


I do expect it to be different than Garrosh.

Garrosh lost. I think the Banshee is going to “snap her fingers” and win.

Because the story isn’t over, and she clearly has grander schemes that the writers aren’t killing her off for.

I’d forgotten about that. Good point, because that demonstrates conflicting character development in the same xpac.

The Garrosh of the Stone Talon Mts. was the Anomaly. In Wrath at the very beginning he wanted to crush the Alliance to clear the way to the Lich King and sent the PC on a suicide mission that we were supposed to be thankful to do because it was an honor to die for him and the horde. He was always a pro-orc xenophobic meat head. It is why they killed of Saurfang Jr, because he was supposed to be the next war chief and was on friendly terms with a few of them.

I think Garroshs motive was more understandable.
He wanted a strong and powerful Horde.

Sylvanas… just seems to want to kill everything.

By the end of Garrosh’s arc, it almost seem like his abandonment of the Horde was accidental. Almost unintentional. He started pushing things aside in an effort to reach his goal and while not paying close attention threw away some important things.

Sylvanas, just never really seemed to care about the Horde. Which is really weird considering both the Legion and BFA cinematic show her fighting hard “For the Horde”.

The Forsaken used to sorta be the “Kingdom within another kingdom”.
They are part of the Horde but loyal to Sylvanas above all else, independent, and sometimes traitorous when it suited them.

When Sylvanas became Warchief they ceased to have this identity. A lot of Sylvanas’ actions didn’t really seem to serve either the Forsaken or the Horde. Without understanding the goal, it’s all just really uninteresting.

You forgot “orc” there. He wanted a strong and powerful ORC horde.

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The thing is, they said that like a year ago and then later Alex said the exact opposite. He said Garrosh would aspire to be like Sylvanas or something. Maybe they had different plans for her initially? I dunno.

I know you’re joking, and I know it’d be total schlock, but I’d actually really enjoy going back to old Azeroth and seeing all the old human kingdoms still around…

Damnit, I’m the problem. I even liked seeing all the old WC2 orc heroes in WoD! (though what they did to Kargath was freaking weird).