So how exactly was this Not "Garrosh 2.0?"

Because people connect dots the way they want to, whether it makes sense or not.

…yeah, yeah Braveheart was nothing but Highlander 2.0, a Mustang is nothing but Model T 111.0…

They’ve basically become a seemingly mindless Horde of zombies for this entire expansion with their first meaningful expression of sentience being the tapping of a banner to signify the happy joining of the factions after slaughtering each other for…reasons?

We are literally two full expansions into Sylvanas’s story and not a single person has any idea what the hell she is up to.

The story hasn’t even developed in any meaningful way. No mysteries have been revealed only to add more questions to the puzzle. How long ago did Vol’jin name Sylvanas the Warchief? We still don’t know exactly who/what told him to do it or why? O.o

Maybe it was Bwonsamdi? Maybe it was Helya? Maybe it was N’zoth? Maybe it was Sylvanas from the future using her dimension-splitting voice to send a message through time? We just don’t know and it looks like we’re in for a third expansion to finally get a resolution to this terrible story. Joy :+1:

MoP was way better in every way though. Even without Warmode, the PVP was so much fun in MoP

Hmm, fun update.

…Apparently Wrathion and his Legendary Cloak are also back. But it’s totally not the same as Garrosh and the Mists of Pandaria storyline. Right?

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Sylvanas is a coward

Garrosh was a warmonger

Pretty sure they were both warmongers.

Lich King 2.0 + Garrosh 2.0 with a splash of Vashj’ir 1.0 for flavor, good expansion so far!

Garrosh was a raid boss and sylvanas is bangable.

Are you saying Garrosh has no sex appeal?

…and in all seriousness, the smart money is on Sylvannas being a raid boss next expac. The only real alternative is to make her quietly be a secret savior type, and they’d have to truly mangle the storyline to make that happen at this point.

Personally I think it’s due to how Ill received this exp has been among the community, blizzard is just trying to rush along to finish it as soon as possible. Which is why we are doing garrosh 2.0

I have to agree with OP. Is blizz even trying anymore? Did a developer wake up one day and decide to kill a franchise. Also, is there info on sylvanas in 8.3? Maybe i missed it.

OMG and the legendary cloak too!!!

We at least got to kill Garrosh-

Oooooooh waitaminute!

(and maybe she’ll run to northrend and steal that handy Helm of Domination from Bolvar).

Totally called it :stuck_out_tongue: