So how about those Monday notes?

Entirely too much to go into on forums, but you don’t understand either if you’re trying to use this as an arguing point.

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You don’t need to read anything to know a poor job has been done with this game
over the years. Rewards being needlessly taken away is a prime example,
but so is allowing the same players to effortlessly dominate the ladder for years
and play their alts to inflate its appearance and make the average, casual or new players run away.
The barrenness of LFG, length of Solo queue times and lack of healers are enough evidence for me. If they aren’t for you, it means you have exactly that - an elitist gatekeeper mentality, which is has always been an active detriment to the health of this game. It’s more stark now because of how small a community remains at this point.
Look all over this forum: posts of healers complaining about oneshots, people refusing to queue, rerolling every month… the list goes on. It’s actually quite simple. This game is no longer player friendly.

And to make clear, again, nobody is asking for a free reward here, except those who want to see things nerfed and buffed endlessly to cater to their personal vision – one which “incidentally” allows them to win for free.

Aren’t rewards easier to get than they ever have been?

Tabard used to required 2500 and elite sets required 2200 and the enchant was 2400 and glad required you to be in the top 0.5%.

Now they are way easier to get and you don’t even need to find arena partners to get any of them besides glad.

This is the first expac in wow where you are in complete control of your own destiny


As a neutral mediator, I will tell you plainly: You are no exception. Few people are (probably just Kennie).

It has kind of pingponged around between seasons and the inflation/difficulty of the season. Like, a tabard in wod was basically the same cutoff as glad, which is…stupid.

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I’m talking about rewards people used to have and were taken away unevenly, for no reason except an overlook within a game system overhaul. There are HUGE threads about this issue, particularly in the “Transmog” sub-forum.

I don’t see why I should further indulge this topic here, though, as this thread has derailed from its OP enough. I encourage you to look into the Wardrobe implementation and how it’s ruined the collections of thousands of players, stripping them of hard-earned rewards, which some of the same were even then handed out to players who originally DID NOT have them…

Yeah I used to have the red recolor elite s14 mop warrior set and now it’s gone :[

A story in three parts.

Yes, we all know this game has been mismanaged, but don’t try to incorrectly ascribe psychological concepts to a situation as the basis for your argument. It simply makes you like an idiot and ensures anything you say gets summarily dismissed.

I’m not sure people have had many rewards taken away without good cause.

average, casual, and new players don’t normally tend to be queueing into people without there being some shenanigans.

Can you elaborate on this? No one has had things “taken away” perse without cause. There was some crappiness with missing pieces of elite sets and the enchant, but thats it.

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I am not posting here calling for nerfs and buffs of other classes.
My comments are to shed light on nonsensical comments that call to nerf my spec OVERALL.
Don’t you understand “nerf X on all fronts x1000 times” is extremely illogical? It’s so generalized it’s borderline spam. I’d think people with high exp as most of this forum’s posters will be able to provide specific insight as to WHAT is over/underperforming and WHY.

I’m sure you wouldn’t have any bias when discussing This topic

Everyone knows boomkin is completely broken INCLUDING the boomy players on the forums that admit it’ll lmao

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I’m pretty neutral. I don’t really care what happens. I’m just a Paladin enjoyer.

I’m talking about MoP rewards, yes, specifically season 15 sets and enchant.
It’s a well known incident – once again, very abundantly discussed on this and other forums.

I’ve never argued against that. I simply asked to detail WHAT exactly is the problem.
I agree that oneshots, and overpowered CC shouldn’t exist.
Calling to nerf things that have never changed and have no relation to why X spec is overperforming, though, is just ridiculous.

I do, but most who talk of it seriously aren’t calling for nerfs on all fronts. It’s still fine to discuss every aspect of an overtuned spec though.

I get miffed when people say Cheap Shot needs a cooldown when it wouldn’t fix Sub being immortal, and promptly explain why that’s a bad idea, but I don’t step beyond that. Because 1. I’m biased (even as a ride-or-die Outlaw) and 2. Inexperienced.

And even if I was a multiglad with multiple seasons of serious gaming under my belt, I would probably still stay away from balance discussions. Because then I’d have something to lose, and my perception as a theoretical god gamer wouldn’t line up with the average 1400-1800 gamer by that point.

Dextructive, as your lawyer, I’m recommending you just bow out of this discussion. Every post is just making you seem… well… saltier and more irrational than the last

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Everyone’s been saying nerf clone duration and delete high winds and nerf moon build

It’s really obvious

The numbers I said for the high winds and owlkin nerfs are EXACTLY what we’re getting.
See it wasn’t very hard to pinpoint the problem :slight_smile:
Still think Moon should be nerfed harder, and so with everything else that has oneshot potential.

oops, devs forgot about pvp again


Clone duration didn’t get nerfed during the cc changes. It’s duration increased from last season by almost a secon after the changes to the trinket set bonus.

Clone needs to be 5 seconds and high winds should be pruned or reworked

My two cents is to not touch the duration but make it dispelable. It’s nature magic. It should just be magic.

Poly and Hex can be dispeled, and they’re effectively the same thing. Maybe Hex could use a buff but eh.