So how about those Monday notes?

i deserve it remipoo i wanna get duelist with minimal effort in rss off 3-3s alone ty

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Off-topic but it’s my thread anyway.

You ever have one of these games?


Wasn’t everyone a glad or rank 1 last season? Or so I’m told.

hotfixes are generally posted a bit later. they’ll come, be concerned if you see nothing updated on them.

Don’t think so, still think glad last season was a bit on the lower side compared to a lot of seasons, right? I only sent shuffle last season so wouldn’t know.

You are so emotionally affected by this game you can’t even fathom some people don’t nolife it as much as you do.

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glad was def too low last ssn. should never be as high as s2 slands. need a healthy middle ground that blizz seems to not be striving for seeing as this ssn is more deflated than the last

Yeah, I’d run up and wave at healers in bgs until they sat down and had tea with me (I had no gear and this was my only means of contributing positively to match outcome).


you have more games played than i do

I think with inflation + towards the end of season, probs like an extra 150 - 200 mmr more to get, but ye.

I’m still a casual who plays a few games, and not even every week.
I play for fun and improvement, and don’t care about other people’s numbers.

guess that makes me a casual casual

then they do you want them to hand you a free 100 mmr for no reason

ur losing it

im afraid of pushing glad late season. i was sick the last 2 weeks of season 1!

i need to get gooder to earn glad sooner. esp with how good spriest is, i have no excuse. i think i can do it, but never put in the effort for it. was always dragged along

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Oh, my plans of earning my rewards are sound and have been flawless so far.
And I do deserve this reward, at least to compensate for the one taken from me due to a stupid design overlook that screwed over hundreds of people, and I will get it soon.

I’m just dumbfounded by how easily your pitiful troll-child spite can hijack a thread.
It’s your hatred of the casual player due to which the game is suffering.

We’re entering a melee meta have fun, spriest gon be miserable to play.

Tbf I was fully expecting it to get hijacked. Anarchy is glorious.

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playing a spec 2 tiers above every other spec in the game


losing it


if you don’t have the mop one you didn’t earn it

i’m a casual player

If you think casters like boomkin and locks are suddenly going to be bad tomorrow, you are unbelievably fried.


eh we’ll be fine. if we get tunnelled more, we can just play a spec that does dummy damage freecasting.

the nerfs were deserved and keeps us in a solid spot which i’m thankful for. mind truma was overkill and our survivability was unreasonable.