So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

I think Pathfinder should be a Feat of Strength if earned in the current expac, and just purchasable for gold for older expacs.

Part 2 isn’t going anywhere nor is the current pathfinder for each expansion. People can complain all they want. Not going to happen. But like I said, for those that never unlocked previous pathfinders should auto unlock if you unlocked the current expansion pathfinder.

As a side note, this thread isn’t about part 2 or current pathfinder. It is about opening up WoD and Legions without doing pathfinder.

They heard yalls cries

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LOL we did it guys!!! whooot! llollololo

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Congratulations on your victory

gg on your victory, bois.

All of us sitting on our butts playing a video game for hours on end, this guy included, and he calls someone lazy


Good news, Pathfinder will no longer be required for flying in WoD or Legion.

How cheesy are your fingers from eating Doritos while playing WoW nonstop?

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They need to either keep them all or trash them all.

Calling you a warlock because you posted on a warlock is hilarious? Once again, your logic is irrefutable, Dr. Freud, as is the debate as to which of us is lazier by who can sit at a desk longer and clear heroic raids.

Your perspicacity is only surpassed by your mental agility in speaking gibberish.

And that is the systemic issue that is plaguing these devs.

They do force me to the ground the last 3 xpacs while they still sell flying mounts.

none are that hard to get, but I can see where a New player would have a issue with it. so how about a compermise. Leave it to be earned by those who want the mount/10% additional mount speeds
 and also offer a purchasable version [edit]( thats doesn’t reward you the mount’s/ additional mount speed) for each Expansion at a Modest fee 2000g ? for flying in each expansion call it [Path already traveled: “expansion name”] so they can either earn it or spend 2kg on each one. plus New players would be able to level / catch up faster.

Yeah you decide you want to start questing in Burning Crusade, buy flying at 30 and then move to WoD where ooops no flying for you, but thanks for the cash suckers!

The level squish saved the day, with them scaling all those expansion zones to be the same they hit on the flying issue with BC, so happy ending if you ask me.

I did PF when current but to hell with doing all that grinding if I was new or returning, that’s just bonkers.

Funny I earned it as current content and I to this day would be fine if older content was given the flight for free. Pathfinder is an asinine spiteful act by a group of devs that wanted to cut corners on an xpac 5 years ago and the fan base said no.


Pathfinder is pointless and boring. I’m not enamored enough of flying to do it in any zone.

I’ll probably go through each zone once just to clear the map. and skip the quests - when I did WoD content (on my Alliance main), I completed Shadowmoon, a few questlines in Spires, a couple in Gorgrond, explored Frostfire, and called it good. I have never experienced the Tanaan questlines, and really don’t have any interest in doing so.

Same with Legion - I went through Argus/Antorus/Mac’Aree once, and I know I didn’t uncover every place there, it was that depressing. Broken Isles? Nah. I’ll come back for Suramar questlines (and nightborn unlock) in two or three expansions down the road, when I can just plow through the garbage, and not have to worry about flying to begin with. I’m patient.

BFA, same thing. I completed Vol’Dun (which I found interesting, at least), but not interested enough Horde side to do Pathfinder, and I doubt Alliance side will be any different. Pathfinder isn’t worth it for me, for more than one reason.

Pathfinder is an achievement, and soon that achievement will be given out to everybody. They turned flight into an achievement, and now they’re giving it away.
It has nothing to do with whether or not gladiator titles were or were not available for gold, because pathfinder wasn’t available for gold either.

they got LAZY and didnt want to give us what they HAD BEEN for our gaming $$$ anymore and when players tossed a fit about it they became petulant and punished players with an ‘achievement’ that NEVER should have existed in the first place.
NOW they are RECTIFYING that insult in a small way.


Huh. Next time just say how much you’re looking forward to your newly acquired flying in WOD.

“Earning” Pathfinder is a loose term in this case.

You don’t really “Earn” Pathfinder you do a whole bunch of monotonous tasks.

How do they all go again? uncover the entirety of the map, get revered reputation for X amount of Factions, 100 World Quests, Generally you have to complete the “Main story line” or something to a certain extent or complete all zone quest lines maybe both
 I mean once you can fly you’ve done so much in these places there’s no point in coming back to fly around in them.

Not for nothing but Pathfinder is a lot easier if say you were playing through the zones when the content was current.

I can understand how some people enjoy that experience - but realistically I can see how it can be a major pain point for players.

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