So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

I don’t mind it(pathfinder in general), but my biggest issue with it is that it’s time-gated. It should be “unlockable” at launch so when people do meet the criteria for it they can fly. However if blizzard wants players to “experience the world” then make the unlocking process a bit harder/longer.

Right? It doesn’t take me a freaking year to “experience the world” especially when one of the objectives is to explore every corner of every zone.


its gonna be REALLY idiotic of blizzard to make leveling in WoD go so quickly for new players…then tell them they cant have flight for a month, lol
Few to none are going to level thru draenor, hit current content, then go back and run the grinds to get flight in old content.
its just asinine…nigh on spiteful…to keep PF in old content.
Using it to gate current content, I guess I get…though there were better ways to do that… but just set a date for flight and leave it at that if we’re too lazy or too lacking in creativity to create content that USES flight instead of it being an afterthought.

This is Ions game. Its not for the players. Its not about the players. Not anymore.
They have made this game FOR Ion. And until they give that idiocy up we’re going to continue to see these crap systems and never have flight as it could have been in this game.


That’s the reason I’ll always unlock pathfinder with one of my DK’s. Path of Frost & On a Pale Horse makes the exploration part a joke.

The devs were told to do this from their customer base for years, they don’t interact and discuss things with us, so I doubt they will ever see this post to know this is a problem and frustration.

They hate that many of us like flying and forced them in WoD to put flying back in when they got caught deceiving us through marketing. They are still punishing us for being called out. It is nothing but vindictive petty behavior on their part now.

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The big issue with pathfinder is that the flight portion isnt even available at launch of the game, and only comes online mid-way through the expac life.

If it was available at the start, people wouldnt be having a lot of the same issues with Pathfinder that they do now.

Proposed Changes by me:

Remove Part 2 of Pathfinder
Make Reward of Part 1 Pathfinder flight.
(Optional addition) Get rid of some of the BS achievements needed for PF

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Some of the players have asked for them to change/remove pathfinder. Paying a sub fee doesn’t give you or anyone else the ability to tell the devs how to develop the game. You can provide feedback, but they don’t have to agree with or use that feedback. You nor anyone else here speak for or represent the playerbase. Pathfinder isn’t a problem nor is it frustrating. Pathfinder is fine as is.

No one is being punished, no one forced them to do anything.

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I’m curious how that’s going to work with the level squish and flying being unlocked at level 30. Whose going to want to level thru WOD or LEGION when they can go to Outland, Northrend or Pandaria and not have to deal with the extra pain of pathfinder?

I don’t have a problem with pathfinder. I have a problem with the timegating that makes us wait a year after launch for flying.


Sounds like they will be removed in the leveling revamp but I doubt it anything will change until then.

I still don’t have it for WoD, not even sure how to get it since if I remember you need to pvp for it? idk, with shadowlands leveling we won’t even have to go to WoD so w/e.

YOU and the 48 post likers hates it, not everyone.

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Personally I think as of now once you unlock the current pathfinder, I don’t see a problem with it unlocking the older ones and continue it that way with each expansion. This is coming from someone who unlocked pathfinder for WoD, Legion and BfA.

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The biggest issue with Draenor is Tanaan Jungle being a timelocked mess.

The biggest issue with Broken Isles is Legionfall being a timelocked mess.

What does that have to do with anything I said? I said they should unlock all pathfinders as long as you unlocked the current pathfinder which is BfA. I don’t think they should just remove the locks even if you haven’t done BfA PF.

I dont have issue with pathfinder, but the part 2s tend to be the worst aspect of what makes people hate it.

I don’t hate it either but could you imagine coming back to the game and having to deal with all that grinding?

Are you seeing the game world lately? It’s fuller and I like it that way.

How about we make it a little more pleasant for folks wanting to return?

Unlocking current pathfinder should unlock ALL flying, period.

If someone is coming back to the game, there is no need to bury them in needless rep grinds.

Populated game world = Happy Paladina! :kissing_heart:


then why do u want to fly there?? Its on you, if you want it you’ll go get it. This communtiy is driving me sick with them wanting things handed to them.

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Not a very “community” response. You mind explaining your outrage?

How does this even effect you personally enough to get so mad?

I can see even years later you are up to your old tricks.