So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

Flying over the plebs on ground mounts in Ashran is the greatest thing ever.

You do know that PF is being removed for WoD and Legion right?

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uh…no…next time I’ll say what I have to say.

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Which is the point for most of us.
By the time you can fly, theres really not much reason to NEED to fly.
Farming mats is pointless. The expansion is over and mats are so cheap they aint worth the time to farm.
Youve already ‘just played the game’. So except for alts, you really dont need to bother.
And honestly, in WoD and BFA, I wouldnt waste my time running alts. Legion, possibly.

For the gauntlet runners who like that sort of thing. More power to them. Theyd have loved games like Eye of the Beholder where you just run the maze, kill stuff and do it all exactly as the game is laid out to be played.
For many of us…B O R I N G.
I enjoy OPEN world games because theyre supposed to be open. If I wanted a maze run, Id play a game with levels and a labyrinth to play in.

To get PF they can ‘just play the game’
For me I have to play the game in a way I HATE in order to get it.

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