So horde , did you get what you wanted?

And then AB’s queue time for you will hit 2 hours while AV’s queue time will drastically drop.

“the good alliance players”

Rofl…dude its the same on both sides…The whole point is no one ranks in AV…No one is talking about when we used to premade, that was MONTHS AGO. We are talking about the here and now.

Its like you nitpick statements and twist them to reinforce your argument, which you dont even have.

You can say whatever you want, my rez narrative is still FACTS unlike your opinions, at the end of the day capping IBGY and not being able to hold it is the ONLY reason Alliance dont win now.

I know it doesnt fit your narrative on how “Horde are better than Alliance” because youre still in the mindset that things are “equal” in terms of AV, and they are not.

Hmm in the 5 minutes for IBGY to cap at 1:50 into that fight for IBGY there would of been 60 horde rez’d and AT IBGY vs 20 Alliance who rez’d and made it to IBGY in the SAME TIME. I really wonder why Alliance cant hold onto IBGY.

At this point its beating a dead horse and its making me dizzy talking in circles with you over this. Yes Alliance are just bad, Horde are just to superior at JUST AV… /S

Odd. How do you reconcile your mockery if the very strategy of defense that you yourself advised when supporting 1.12?

I have repeatedly agreed that the cave respawn mechanic needs redone.

Probably because I didn’t, as horde were not playing scorched earth in 1.12 and didn’t start doing so until reinforcements.

It really comes down to how high horde queues need to get before they stop doing so in classic, just like it did back in the day.

Im not happy with any of the current state of vanilla. The ranking system in vanilla is absolute trash. Truth be known, any day now my sub will end and i wont be on the forums anymore - and havent even tried to log in for 3 weeks or so.

I am just buying time for TBC to release now.

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Your faction absolutely dominated that same av map for well over a decade on retail with no issues.

And the single largest faction win rate disparity by a single battle ground was horde dominating Strand of the Ancients… A map where both factions alternate both starting locations.

It’s not always an imbalance of design… Players can and likely are the bigger fault here

Yes your right it is a player issue, horde weren’t abusing their map imbalance and we had a roughly even win rate.

We’re going to see how high horde queues have to go before they figure that out.

Lol i literally waited in a 3 hour que and two 2 1/2 hour ques yesterday. So yea theyre right que times are the big crazy.

Yea I clearly haven’t shown an imbalance at the Rez mechanics at IBGY and illustrates them in real time.

Refer to the 1:50 comment on how it’s 60 rez’d horse at IBGY and in the SAME TIME it’s 20 alliance there…

60 VS 20, solid odds!!

Straight up. The map is skewed the way it is because when horde had their cave an equal distance, they always lost. These changes were to balance the map (whether that worked or not is debatable). Alliance have a huge choke point that doesnt exist for horde. Most of the horde’s elite mobs are outside of the main base walls, while alliance’s are on the inside. It is why, when the meta was to zerg, alliance won almost every game and horde resigned to just farming honor on lieutenants.

However, horde all hit revered and realized that wont fly for rep, so they started stopping the zerg and suddenly start winning all the time. This, combined with queue times going up, led to horde focusing on farming kills rather than zerging. Shame alliance have refused to adjust. They don’t know how to play AV outside of “skip everything and just kill Drek”


Alliance have adapted though, they have figured out how to maximize what rep they can when horde abuse their map advantage then they stop queuing for AV.

You literally advised defending in order to create more PVP opportunities when players warned about AV 1.12 being a race.

In fact, IIRC, you were proud to be one of the players who did so, because you ever so much love you some PVP.

Horde are defending, which stopped the race. Enjoy your losses in the version of AV you argued for.

And there you go again with the “sCoRcHeD eArTh” mislabel. Napoleon is once again spinning in his grave.

So you don’t understand the basic concept that words can have different meaning depending on their context?

Individual words? Of course, don’t be absurd.

Well known historical tactical phase/terms being used for quite the opposite of their historical meaning just to sound edgy and dramatic? You can blame it on “context” all you want, but it boils down to ignorance of history and an attempt to cover for a blatant misinterpretation.

I have yet to see anyone explain WHY they are calling it “scorched earth” tactics-wise, beyond it sounding cool. Capturing and holding enemies assets while defending one’s own is not some radical new tactic that warrants a new term that is being used out of ignorance for it’s actual meaning. Want to paint a tactic as a Bad Thing, put more effort into explaining beyond a misused term, and then trying to hand wave it’s misuse by claiming “it’s like a different meaning, maaaaaan”.

Hm… scorched earth in aAV has a well known and established meaning.

Sorry, but repeatedly misuse of a term does not equate to “well known and established”.
Much like everything and it’s mother being referred to as “toxic”, habitual misuse of a term simply makes one look like a dolt.

The term isn’t misused.

It has a specific meaning in the context of WoW and alterac valley.

Do you really not understand that basic concept?

And yet I have yet to see anyone explain WHY it is being coined such a term, which is quite the opposite of what the term’s historical meaning is. You may as well be calling horde tactics “Elvis’ favorite sandwich”. Your idiotic misused term officially amounts to “that which extracts alliance salty tears”.

But hey, you’ll argue anything and everything, so I’ll leave you to argue about it with yourself.

It’s termed as such because it denies the opposite side anything. You mentioned Napoleon, but scorched earth can also be applied offensively, see Sherman’s march.