So Horde Council

I never mentioned that moment. It’s flat out one of my least favorite moments of the game but sure.

The best part is, going back I agree with most of what you said. Reading over the thread. Not all of it, I don’t think it’s favortism, but I do agree that the writers don’t know how to write Horde worth a crap.

My argument is it’s not worse for either side because the writers are just bad.


The point of the thread was to address the war council.

With how the story has been written, yeah the Council is fine. Not as good as say, having Vol’jin who should never have died, but if the narrative is, “The Horde under a Warchief is not a good horde,” then… w/e. Give them a council

Is it a dumb narrative? Yes. It’s dumb af. But if that’s the narrative they’re going for then w/e.

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So, when a mommy worgen and a daddy worgen love each other a whole lot, nine months later they have a…?

I’ll give you a hint: not a worgen.


Lor’thema needs to take power. We need a strong and proper leader. Not this hand holding boys and girls club. Its summer camp with hugs and hand holding.

You get awful world building from the Blizzard writing team.


No disagreement here.


Exactly I’m very well aware of what Blizzard is trying to do with Worgen and I choose to not acknowledge said lore exists just like most WoW roleplayers do with the entirety of the Shadowlands expansion.


Not just the Worgen.

As I’ve said, Blizzard has shown a consistent dislike of it’s playerbase time and time again. The devs aren’t without bias, but they’re not showing anyone favoritism.


This isnt world of warcraft anymore. Its world of peacecraft.

i am one for evil horde aka OG this also includes doomhammer during 2rd war, and garroshs horde which is basically the same and sylvanas’s horde which is the same as the previous when how it was ruled. me being anti peace and anti horde council is more tradtional horde than those who would support the council or thrall or even that fool baine. varrok saurfangs writting was ruined by the writting team he freaked out when sylvanas did what sylvanas was always known to do had done and was doing goodness the fact they made saurfang and baine and the other leaders act surprised with how sylvanas acted is amazing. and thrall putting garrosh who grew up only knowing how the O.G. horde was runned came back saw how thrall was running the horde and when he got control of corse he would run the horde how the horde was runned before thrall got it.

I’d be with you if they didn’t have Two Forms, but they do, and that throws a huge wrench into things. Their Worgen side is their curse manifest, not their ‘actual’ form, except for when it is (Shadowlands), except though it’s not something that can be passed on, thus making it more an individual sickness than a racial trait. Otherwise, they’re human through-and-through.


The Tauren and the Trolls would both leave this ‘O.G. Horde’ because that Horde stands in direct opposition to the ideals of those two people. The Blood Elves also wouldn’t be keen on joining up, the Pandaren wouldn’t have given them the time of day (thus Orgrimmar never gets built), the Mag’har wouldn’t have signed up, etc etc.

Basically, the O.G. Horde has no place in WoW except for that of as an adversary for us to conquer.

the blood elves would join the horde the alliance was already actively destroying rebuilding and the forsaken were the only ones who were outright helping the blood elves so they would join the horde as the forsaken are all the undead of the scourge who broke free and joined sylvanas not just the human ones, and they joined the horde where the alliance were trying to genocide them, it was the tauren saw what the forsaken were doing and felt compassion and joined. the tauren joined because thrall helped save the tauren, who were lead by cairne bloodhoof the last true tauren chieften IMO, the darkspear had no choice but to join the horde or be wiped out by the naga. and the orcs joined up with doomhammer who would give his command to thrall and thrall became popular and renown as the first shaman since they lost the ability to be them on draenor . doomhammer he was allowing necromancy and all sort of things specially the things sylvanas was being done. but with the orc warlocks. and doomhammer got into power from a duel with blackhand and while doomhammer didnt agree with alot of what blackhand did he was for alot of the things he did do they grew up in the same clan. going back to thrall he was litterally raised by humans knowing only what humans taught him for combat knowing nothing about orc culture til drekthar who wasnt in the horde wars on azeroth at all the frostwolves had been absent for ages. and thrall got all caught up on falsehoods it wasnt until grom aka grommash hellscream revealed the horde willingly knowingly gave into their demonic pact and drank blood, and knowing the hordes history the horde didnt drink the demon blood until the very very end of the war with the draenei and they had already commited horrible acts. the OG horde is the current horde and it has been weakened and corrupted by human in an orcs body aka thrall, voljin the backstabber and weak traitors like baine who is an embarassment to the bloodhoof name by siding with the alliance the very people who is the reason the horde reformed a bit before the 3rd war who continued to attack the horde and when the horde does retaliate and starts winning people like voljin or baine or even saurfang sabotage the horde dividing the horde causing endless division in the horde to the point the horde cannot survive if those type of people continue to speak out weakening the horde worse is they try and push for peace at the worst possible timming like the funeral of a king infront of his daughter and the other horde leaders push for what the daughter wants vengence. the horde needs to be 100% united follow orders or fall apart, a council will not last with how the hordes culture is, the alliance culture is more suited to the races in it the hordes culture isnt suited for a council

and this ends my rant

God I liked that scene better when he threw that certain five letter word at her that started with B. Sadly they censored it now and if I recall they did that before the big scandal happened. At least he has something in common with other possibly hated or loved characters like say Arthas… he’s dust now. Wishing Saurfang’s soul had been turned into a trinket I could of dusted though as yeah no… I’m so sick of that guy’s “Honor” act when he just wanted to die and he was perfectly set to get himself killed for nothing. Funny as I used to be alright with Saurfang till the writers did to him what they did in BFA… now he can stay dead for all i care

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what i liked about garrosh is his character was consistant as was sylvanas, until late BFA with the rebellion storyline ending. and the shadowlands stuff which outright destroyed the lore in a way that cannot be repaired easily.

honestly my issues with the characters has been how they were written from BFA onword.

Might I suggest… paragraphs?

yeah before BFA and especially before Shadowlands they were doing alright with Sylvanas then all the sudden they forced the tree burning scene and she just nose dived from there. We were promised she’d never be a raid boss but nope… Shadowlands gets the korthia update and right there on the raid list it’s Sylvanas as final boss and even made her drop a legendary bow so people would farm her and beat her up repeatedly despite it being insanely low chance and hunter only. It was like the writers hated her out of nowhere and when they were done with her she got thrown in the trash can that is the Maw… no sign of a happy side of things for her by letting her at least reunite with Nathanos and let him help her nope…Nathanos disappears entirely and Sylvanas is forced to do all that work alone despite helping us defeat Zoval who lied to her and manipulated her like he did. She was supposed to be redeemed by saying she did all that horrible stuff to power up the Shadowlands to help fend off a great evil but that got cut and reworked to the developers just dumping on her.

writting was never easy for me. its the hardest thing.

The horde council makes far better sense than an alliance led by a human king. Like imagine this, you got elves that are 10k or close to that old, you got long lived draenei too, people that have centuries of experience and they are being ordered around by some hairless monkey that dies in 100 or something years and everyone acts like this is normal.
Not only that but I literally have no clue why the worgen and night elves (who used to be cool and blizzard just neutered) are still all buddy buddy with stormwind, like the boy king literally told them the alliance didn’t have enough troops to help them out but then went and wasted the lives of countless alliance soldiers on a suicide mission to invade a kingdom that had done nothing to them, like!!!

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its like they took someone who didnt know sylvanas’s character and had them retake the writting for her and they wrote her story in a way that upset the players. i never was a fan for making the faction leaders end boss’s garrosh should never have been made one either.

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yeah…I have writing issues at times too… I get so into writing I forget a few things and…I end up with blocks of text and drawn out sentences. Dang grammar police always pointing things out huh?

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