Do you think Blizzard will ever relise that creating a “horde council” was the most awful story direction to take the Horde and just give us a Warchief again that will hopefully not get villian batted or get killed off after one expansion.
Personally my vote is for Kiro to be the new Warchief
The Blizzard story team is entirely populated by Alliance fangirls and fanboys. The entire story is written for the benefit of Alliance players, and it’s been that way since Cataclysm when they hit the Horde with the “villain bat” (which Horde players at the time hated) just so Alliance players could feel good about themselves.
Then they said that Sylvanas taking over wouldn’t be “Garrosh 2.0” and… it was. They also wrote the Horde out of the game for 2 years during Legion to focus exclusively on Alliance characters hogging the spotlight.
I don’t think there’s anything for Blizzard’s story team to “realize”. They did it all on purpose.
Blizzard’s writers are bad and unimaginative. They don’t know how to write characters if they aren’t human or human-like (which is why when you DO see the occasional Horde character do something, like the Dragon Isles Expedition world quest pop-ups, it’s always an elf).
Warchief is a title like if we want to rename it fine go Chief of the Horde like how Alliance have a King of the Alliance with Anduin.
Like a council makes no sense considering the lore and culture of most Horde races not to mention said Horde Council may as well not exist at this point considering they have no involvement in the Games Story outside of Baine.
Wow what a wonderful argument that clearly makes a point like not a mind reader.
Pretty much yeah like basically colonised the Horde bunch of the leaders are traitors who are subservient to the Alliance king, Calia an Alliance Priest is now apart of a Forsaken Council and well we’ve got two Councils now which originate from the Alliance via the Dwarves and their Council of Three Hammers.
nah, our warchiefs tend to die and i’d like that to stop. its annoying.
horde have realized that having one potential maniac in charge is not a good idea. having multiple people means there’s less of a chance we’ll have another, say, garrosh
Ok and the solution to that isn’t destroying The Hordes culture and identity turning it into Alliance but red the solution is for Blizzard to stop writing our Warchiefs as power hungry supremacists.