Kiro of course who literally did Baines job for him during the Vulpera recruitment quest cause Baine is an incompetent Alliance plant.
He is indeed!
Whenever Alliance players suggest that the Vulpera should have been part of the Alliance, I always think, “But then who would do Baine’s thinking for him?”
Well, without the vulpera we could start with replacing Baine with Lor’themar.
I can agree with this. All the vulpera storyline did s prove they should have always been apart of the Horde and that it’s current leaders are lacking.
You know what’s sad?
I haven’t even done the Baine centaur quest from last patch.
I just keep looking at Mayla there with a ! over her head in Valdrakken, and thinking “whatever this is, I’m sure it’s badly written to an embarrassing degree”.
the real horde their first warchief was blackhand garrosh and sylvanas fit his mindset far more than people like thrall.
The problem is the position of Warchief infers there is, in fact, a War to be fought, when that is absolutely not the case. It is also a singular point of failure, which is a very bad thing to have in a government, and it also has a horrific reputation now since there has only been one successful retiree from the position, that being Thrall. Garrosh and Vol’jin died, and Sylvanas basically became a permanent exile on pain of death. Who would honestly even want to hold that hot potato that can’t help but keep exploding?
The council is the smart play because it means you don’t go off to violent conquest or retribution at the smallest slight, you’ve got to convince a number of other figures that this is right to do. That already would have gone a long way to check Garrosh’s aggression and likely sussed out Sylvanas’s plans (though how three incredibly spiritual peoples, their Shamans and Witch Doctors didn’t notice something wrong with the afterlife is beyond me) for souls and the Maw.
The position is obsolete, has a bad reputation, and has proven to be a point-of-failure in the past. Why keep it any longer? If it’s so important to the Orcs, they can name their racial leader Warchief, but the Horde is no longer bound to the Warchief’s whims.
if he was in the OG horde whether it was blackhand or doomhammer his actions would lead to his execution sylvanas was more than just to put him to death.
Also makes no sense considering the Alliance attacked both the Voldunai Vulpera and the Bilge Rats Vulpera in the case of the Bilge Rats literally killing their captain Eudora.
Kaag for Warchief
Lor’themar is the literal definition of ‘I do not want to be a ruler, god I wish the King would come back already’.
remember when baine wanted to make a peace treaty with the alliance and the zandalari at the funeral of the king infront of his daughter and family of those killed by the alliance who were defended and saved by the horde who are enemies of the alliance as well. if that happened irl baine would not make it out alive from that funeral or not in chains.
That only makes him an even better leader.
And the man will lead if his hand is forced. That much was made obvious back in Mists of Pandaria.
Lor’themar will also save us all from evil benches, by flipping them into fountains.
Remember how the Zandalari king died because he sent away his army, to fight an enemy that wasn’t there, over a piece of land he didn’t even want?
That must be one of those “cool Horde moments” Rayaika keeps talking about.
its a part of the BFA war campaign. the devs were trying to push players to want to support peace and be on baines side and saurfang who yes is old and been through alot is a traitor he would have been executed by blackhand for the same type of thing heck doomhammer abandoned the war against lordaeron to kill traitor orcs who betrayed the horde for their own goals.
that is a skewed way of viewing that…
Ah, yes, I felt so good when… Lemme check my list… Uhm… Camp Taurajo. Yes, the Devs really made me feel great as an Alliance player.
Didn’t feel sad at all about losing Southshore in it’s entirety. Or what happened in Darkshore, that wasn’t all that depressing either. Nothing but good times as an Alliance player in Cataclysm.
So true. Why, I remember in Cataclysm our amazing introduction to the Twilight Highlands. An off-screen crash landing from a drunken dwarf from some Dev’s webcomic? Garrosh sending his air support after Alliance ships just can’t compare.
And of course in Mists of Pandaria the good times kept on coming. Who wouldn’t want to pilot a robot cat around the Barrens? Alliance content always got worked on first. That’s why on Isle of Thunder, Alliance NPCs were all talking about how awful the Alliance is. It’s not as if that quest text had been copy/pasted from the Horde to Alliance characters, that’d just be silly.
/sarcasm off
If its not evident by now, Blizzard just outright hates it’s playerbase, full stop. Both sides of the playerbase.
Cata was balancing out the maps after vanilla was super-slanted to the Alliance.
Sorry if a balanced game doesn’t appeal to you.
But that’s very typical for Alliance players.