So Horde Council

Was cringe as hell and at that time Thrall left the Horde leaving us with a man baby called Garrosh to become Green Jesus.

Ok and how’s that “horde bias” and a win for us?

Oh yeah making the Horde commit Genocide for the first time blowing up a city of innocents big win right there.

Ok and? That’s called Character development and unlike any Horde characters who go through such arks she’s still very much alive and completely forgiven.

Yeah it did like pretty much every expansion.

Yet again they have us commit Genocide whilst ruining two horde heroes permanently Saurfang and Sylvanas both very popular among Horde players.

She’d get him later and she’d only just recently gained said powers probably still learning to use them.

Not really no only cool race we got was Vulpera whilst Alliance got Lightforged Dranei, Kul Tirans with their awesome druid forms and Dark Iron Dwarves :dracthyr_shrug:

Well there’s a lot of stuff the Alliance did to the Horde we didn’t get revenge for either like Genn attacking us during Legion.

Your king is fine Sylvannas however is dead she’s the “ranger general” now.

How’s that a loss? Like just pulling at straws now like at least the Alliance still have their factions historical leader role meanwhile we have a council.

No it’s not its fact.

You serious? The Alliance ALWAYS wins like do you even know the lore of the game?

No it dpes not at all.


Alliance players never cheer because they’re never happy with anything. Except maybe the removal of the Horde from the game. And even in that case, they’d just end up complaining. “Blizzard never cared enough about us to remove us from the game.”

Regardless, your list is nothing but crap and largely consists of characters who weren’t even in the Horde.


“Man being the guys who commit genocide and like non stop war crimes is so cool”

Like I do not understand them whatsoever like the Horde never gets cool moments ever.


Followed by the losing.

“Losing to the Alliance all the time is so cool.” :roll_eyes:


Yeah my bad on wording. I should say the “cool” moments are moments that are, in the minds of the writers and how they’re potrayed, meant to be cool. nOt necessarily the “cool” or good moments, but moments

As horrible as these moments are, they were Horde Victories and supponsed to be cool, or at least plot driving epic moments in the story. Oh it wasn’t a popular one, but please tell me how it was worse for the races committing the atrocities than it was for the race experiencing it? Like I’d argue that moment definitely felt worse for Alliance players.

Also there were Horde cheering both moments. Granted, there were plenty going “Wow these suck” but for the Alliance the defeat definitely felt heavier.

Anyway the point I’ve been trying to make is it’s not Alliance favoritism. It’s bad writing. Neither side is left to feel particularly good with the faction story.

One side is constantly experiencing genocide heavy losses and shallow wins.

The other is constantly painted as the bad guy and villains with a weird hive mind that apparently rallies behind whatever warchief is appointed. Minus… three “Traitors” with a brain.

You can argue that alliance are the bigger babies and they cry more whatever I don’t care if that’s true or not. Neither faction has had really good story since Wrath imo.

To me, the writers have failed to delivery a story that feels satisfying to either side.

Edit for clarity

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Anyone saying the Alliance was not being favored has not been paying attention.
Two Warchiefs villian batted, one killed before they had even an expansion as a term. Then the raided capital cities… Undercity raided twice, Orgrimmar sacked and under seige twice, and Zandalar raided. Then we lost two wars in a row. Horde has been subject to terrible writing and plots. The council is a singluar good move.


No, because the current writers are underqualified.


sylvanas despite being an undead elf was more akin to an orc warchief than thrall was or even voljin. she was more akin to how garrosh and blackhand the ideal horde warchief. the horde was lead by a WAR chief sylvanas fit the rule. the horde council will fall apart moment war happens.

100% true.

I have to agree with this 100% except do it the exact opposite. Baine should dismantle the council and be warchief because he currently is the only Horde prominent lore character with actual nads who stood up against both tyrants (Garrosh and Sylvanas) even when nobody else did. He also stood and supported the true warchief, Voljin who Blizzard did as dirty as they did Arthas and Ursoc.

Calia should lead the Forsaken. She has the only legitimate blood claim and what’s more she seems like an actual caring and decent person who might actually bring some smidgen of decency and honor to those glorified psycho zombies.

I’d rather see Turalyon on the Alliance throne than Anduin and given the recent events of the last few expansions, none of the Alliance leaders are worth anything. Tyrande “might” be the only exception. Genn is too much a Anduin simp and far too psychotic about his people becoming mutts. I think if the factions ever split off into a PvE and PvP subsections, he’d be perfect to lead the PvP alliance faction subset.

baine is trash. callia should be dismembered and than her remains destroyed. blackhand garrosh and sylvanas and doomhammer are actual warchiefs and fit the rule thrall and voljin are not fit for being warchief and its original purpose nor is baine baine is the worst possible person he will get himself and the horde killed if anything.

So basically your only ideal warchiefs are raging violent lunatics…got it.

You might want to do some reading up on what happens to violent dictators types. They may have their moment of power, but their countries are objectively garbage bins.

Oh and BTW, you’re not making it in any of those “true warchiefs” “true horde”. At most, Sylvanas may pretend to accept you and “trust you” but won’t hesitate in the least to stick her psuedo legendary dagger in your neck the millisecond it becomes advantageous for her.


Kiro’s too good for the Horde.

As long as Sylvanas breathes air(?) I’d rather the Horde just stay leaderless.


Arthas got better then he deserved for what he did and who he was.

No she shouldn’t.

Good for her still doesn’t mean she should lead the Forsaken.

Even more reason why she should stay away.

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Show me another actual Horde leader who has the nads Baine does. At best you got “Regent Dorklord” hiding in the shadows and giving lip service support. Heck even when Sylvanas went full tilt and captured Baine, it took the Alliance and an ex warchief to actually get the job done to get him back


And in this post, a typical Alliance player “mansplains” what he thinks the Horde should be like.


I started this game as Horde. I’m currently in game on a Horde toon even. I speak/write facts. I can’t help it if your vision of the Horde doesn’t align with what it was originally founded on.


You should read the thread. Or, at least, my posts.


Lor’themar would probably be the best suited for a Warchief position at this point, amongst all of the Horde leaders.

He have military leader experience, having been second in command to Sylvanas, and unlike Sylvanas, he was promoted to such on his own merits and not just because of family name.

He have also proven to have a knack as a politician, a leader ruling a nation from the brink of destruction and bringing it into a new golden period.

He is also not a doormat for the Alliance, but he will also not advocate for senseless wars.


Just gonna leave this here regarding Baine and let that be the end of it.