I just want to for once, just damn once, the Alliance being the one throwing the first punch AND being recognised for doing so (Genn in Legion anyone?).
There’s no way the self-righteous “do no wrong” concept can keep playing in the Alliance as a faction and be plausible story-telling. You have a fanatical zealot leader in charge right now who already racially hates Orcs. Add in Genn who is always a trigger finger away from shooting anything coloured red.
Just for once if they stop painting them as heroes, victims, and innocents and play the damn stories out.
With Anduin backpacking through Europe to find himself, I’m expecting this to happen.
It’s the perfect opportunity for the scarlet brotherhood to swoop in with their Menethil heir and claim the throne. The regent will probably help them since he’s also a bit of a Light fanatic.
No, we are Garrosh supporters. He was a true Warchief, and not some weak-willed peace hippie, like Thrall; or some maniac that only wanted to expand her own agenda --like Sylvanas.
Garrosh wanted to conquer and secure the Horde’s borders. This is, after all, World of WARcraft.
The Horde will never know another great leader like him, since the majority of writers are now about love, unity and all that crap (Hence, look at Dragonflight with the plethora of love stories… gross).
Yes, he was a little incompetent – but damn it man, I wanted War!
Also, his distrust towards the Forsaken was understandable, because of the blight that happened at the gates of ICC. His hate towards blood elves was misplaced, but I still supported the vision he had. To conquer Azeroth.
The way they ended his line in Warlords of Draenor was just… pathetic.
Nah, Calia’s inclusion paves the way for undead paladins.
But on the subject of horde leaders, I want to see Zappyboi in charge. He seems like a decent troll. And if he can stay alive for more than two expansions, all the better!
Morally superior? Maybe? But Alliance have been complaining about Horde Favoritism since I joined in Cata. Personally I think it’s bad writing no matter how you swing it. The idea that the story is meant to make “Alliance Players feel good” is wild. When did they have moments that felt Good as an Alliance player?
Thrall being the focus and standing in for the aspects in Cata.
Worgen not knowing the end to their starting zone because the conclusion was told in the Forskaen leveling zones.
Jaina being painted off and on as Crazy for three expansions when her entire city was burned. She’d “heal” then break again and commit war crimes that made no sense.
Vol’jin’s death over Varian’s felt very pointless- and I flat out think Legion favored the alliance. But we did loose Ysera thanks to the stupidity of the night elf leaders- because for some reason Blizzard refuses to portray them as being the kick butt warriors they are.
BFA- Sylvannas burning Teldrassil and decimating the Night Elf Home.
Tyrande not being able to beat Nathanos One on One after Just being juiced up by the goddess
The Allied races for Horde Arguably being so much better at every turn.’
Night Elves STILL not getting revenge for the atrocity of Teldrassil and Sylvannas just walking away while Alliance looses it’s “king”.
The entire concept of there being a human high king when the other racial leaders have decades to centuries on them.
This isn’t to say the Horde writing is good it’s bad, but the idea that it’s one favoritism to one side or the other is just dumb at this point.
Horde are constantly painted as mindless bad guys that will follow any genocidal leader at the drop of a hat. Like we can’t make decisions for ourselves and only go “this is wrong” when one crosses some magical line. Meanwhile Alliance gets Loss after Loss and their consolation is … “Well you’re the good guys.” who somehow never win.
However narratively Whether it’s good writing or not, with how the current story has gone, yes the council makes more sense than a Warchief. It can ensure no one leader is pulling a Sylvannas/Garrosh
Of course they have, they’ve realized that the squeaky wheel gets the grease and as long as you complain about “how badly” you’re treated, Blizzard will bend over backwards to cater to you, even though you’re already the favored child.
To top it off there, when one goes against the warchief, they are often labeled as a traitor or something, like some Horde want Horde to be the bad guys when the story, if it made any sense, would not go that way and instead point out that the Horde has different values even among its own members, like there are horde that would just as soon leave the alliance be unless the alliance attacked them.
This is in addition to the fact that, while the in game story might be Horde heavy, as in Horde are the ones that drive the story forward, alliance seem to always win in the end. Maybe if Alliance players were willing to have their faction do some…dark gray actions, they could get the focus and actually see the wins in game. However, the moment alliance is anything but pure white, alliance cry babies come out and cry about how that is not the alliance.
Like I need examples. Most of the story over the last ten or so years is “Horde does something Alliance reacts.”
The cool moments are mostly Horde. I’d argue the alliance complains more because they’re unhappy more often with their story, where as the Horde tends to at least be more passively okay with it.
Story wise, it makes perfect sense. Giving absolute power to one dude hasn’t worked well for us since Thrall started hugging rocks or whatever, so changing the system is exactly what the people involved would probably want to do.
Zappy Boy Cinematic, Syvlannas VS Tyrande, Most of the BFA Story in my honest Opinion. Especially everything involving Talanji and the Zandalari.
Warlords of Draenor and meeting the Original Orcish Warlords, Garrosh’s trial in the books (sorry but he came out the coolest of the group). Garrosh had the least insulting Cameo in Shadowlands, The Forsaken story in 9.2.5? Whenever that came out.
It’s not a totally fair argument but one can argue the entire Nightborne story goes to Horde since they’re an allied race for them but… eh.
Alliance moments are usually tarnished by their lore being ruined, a weird loss, or the victories that they do get are often stated out of game.
Either way because I’ve asked for like 3 post, what are the favoritism examples?