No dictators please. :3 Ain’t a good idea. The alliance is falling apart because of its “High King”. Horde council’s strong. We get stuff done.
People hate him because he’s an inconsistent character written by 2 different writings teams. He’s male sylvanas because there was a tug of war over what to do with him.
What is inconsistent about Garrosh?
He’s a lunatic, idiotic, incompetent, warmongering genocidal hatemonger in every single scene he’s in EXCEPT THAT ONE SCENE IN STONETALON MOUNTAINS which was clearly written for Thrall and got changed at the last moment.
It’s a very important scene though in an expansion that didn’t have a whole lot of scenes.
Garrosh is nasty when he deals with Sylvanas’ ressurection strategy too but it’s depicted as the morally correct stance in the metanarrative.
It was written for a different character, though. It’s wildly out of place and instantly noticed as such.
Garrosh was a pathetic, overcompensating loser from the moment he was introduced in Burning Crusade, whose sole purpose in life seems to be making everyone else as miserable as he was.
The only problem with Garrosh is all the people who weren’t even around at the time.
Garrosh tried to kill Thrall and take over the Horde at the end of Burning Crusade. Most people don’t even know that. (And no, that wasn’t external media, that was in-game.)
I mean, the issue is that this was not the player base reaction. People did not think this was out of place so much as character growth. And it wasn’t.
So Garrosh’s writing is indeed inconsistent.
No, i have it. I stole it. It’s mine now.
Better than the tree. Undercity is Still standing, and we called in a few janitors to clean up.
How’s Gilneas doing?
Gilneas is still waiting on the “Maintenance” personnel to come in and fix it back up.
why not? all the others one we had died like jokes and lothemar doesnt care about us he’s marrying people and minding his bussiness. we dont have much from the pool to choose from or do you want baine? lol
Anybody who was brand new to the franchise and didn’t know anything about the characters, maybe.
Although they certainly weren’t paying any attention to everything else going on in Cataclysm where Garrosh was the same incompetent hateful buffoon he always was.
I’m okay with the council. I think it makes sense, because the Horde is a mix of very different cultures and races. A Warchief makes sense for Orcs, Trolls and maybe Taurens, but it doesn’t for Blood Elves or even Forsaken, let alone the allied races.
It makes sense for the leader of the Orcs to be a Warchief, but the Horde as a whole makes more sense with a council.
Also, we know the story team has been full Alliance several years now, so don’t give them excuses to make the Horde the baddies once again.

do you want baine? lol
Baines the last of the OGs. They’ll probably kill him off soon for being a positive male role model.

Personally my vote is for Kiro to be the new Warchief
Thats an easy way to get me to faction change and never come back.

give us a Warchief again
The only way i can see it is if the alliance become the aggressor (lol) and the horde is forced into a “we are at war, the horde needs a warchief again” kinda thing.
Itd probably end up bain, which makes me physically sick to say, because all the good characters have been killed.

EXCEPT THAT ONE SCENE IN STONETALON MOUNTAINS which was clearly written for Thrall
No, it was clearly written for Saurfang, just like Saurfang bailed Garrosh out of his idiocy in Borean Tundra and told the player off for experimenting in fel magic in Ashenvale. He’s basically the one Horde character at that time going around saying “but what if we were actually honorable?”
Which of course is why Horde players hate him.
I mean the whole story for the horde sucks, We have been shafted every single expansion. Betrayed by the black prince in mop and Orgrimmar being raided in 5.4 (SoO). Thrall and vol’jin getting canned in Legion. BFA horde losses the war due to God complex Elune and Tyrande and Dazar’alor being raided by the alliance (when do we raid the alliance??).

Personally my vote is for Kiro to be the new Warchief
You’ve spelled Lor’themar Theron incorrectly. I suspect that you’ll edit your post with the correct spelling.
The horde has been shafted so many times it’s not even funny.
Betrayed by the black prince in Mop.
Orgimar being raided.
Garrosh (Dead), Thrall, Vol’jin (Dead), Saurfang (Dead), and Sylvanas being canned.
Dazar’alor being raided and King Rastakhan’s death.
Under City begin raided.
Need i go on.
It seems you may believe you have stolen an illegitimate crown. Twin cousin, and rightfully full Warchief Asahina was correct in her assumption.
For I, Deputy Warchief Asahina, in her standing, am actually wearing that crown!
Mischievous fox cousins don’t stop being mischiefy! Fur the Horde!
Don’t worry. A plot development will occur, the war will recommence, and the council will choose a warchief to make executive decisions.
…It would be really dumb if the peace between the only two player factions in a game called ****ing Warcraft was permanent.