Pfft… you got High Elves and Vulpera, you got the Surimar crew. Every time something desirable shows up, it goes right to the horde.
So yeah, I would LOVE a taste of what you are getting instead of the shaft we normally get.
I’m not saying the council direction is a good one. I’m just saying it makes narrative sense and is a safe play. And with the quality of their writing and the crushing anti-alliance stance the story line has taken, safe probably looks pretty good to the muckity-mucks who just want to fire-and-forget and wait for money to come in.
Because Thrall did so much better by abandoning the Horde. Or Sylvanas using it only to further her ambitions. Voljin did nothing.
Garrosh is still mostly liked by Horde fans because he was a true Warchief. It’s arguable that he did wrong unless we just say “war is bad” which then all war heroes become vilains and murderers. We know that victors write the story and Garrosh would have been hailed if he won.
They’ve presented no nobles, or noble like, to lead besides him.
And human potential rant. See azeroth isn’t fully EEO yet. Humans must still be lead by humans. So must all non humans. This is the way!
An elf alliance leader would lead humans. This is not the way!
So a human, who has lives hundreds to 1000’s of years can lead the alliance.
We jsut skip the bit he has no actual governing experience beyond being a guerilla leader in Argus the whole time. which is what he was. A skirmish expert no doubt. but he’s lead freedom fighters, not run a functioning nation or alliance.
Tyrande is a poor leader and Malfurion is kinda out. I don’t know what elf you’d want to lead the humans (and the alliance) and dwarves would certainly not care. Turalyon has accomplishments before he went in the dark portal but for sure it doesn’t place him in any position to command. I think in this case Velen probably should have stepped in but maybe he’s too old?
just toss a half eaten leg of boar, an half of them will start fighting over it.
the elves will just stare in disappointment, the tauren will just stare to see if theres any left, an the orcs will be punching everyone left n right too eat the boar leg.
Yuh why would the Vulpera join the Alliance? Oh and why is that big deal?
Yuh because it makes no sense for them to join the same faction as the Night Elves also they’re lame as hell like I can count the number of Nightborne Elf players I’ve seen on one hand.
I’d love that you know you guys can have your villian arc, destroy your home and become the faction that always loses and we can get some actual story that focuses on Horde heroes and the horde faction solving all our problems securing a future for ourselves.
No it doesn’t and no it isn’t.
Ok now I know your a troll like Durotar is inhospitable like last I checked your Forest is still very green and the water is very much drinkable.
First of all, a Warchief isn’t Horde culture. It’s Orc Culture and lasted I checked, Orcs were not the only race in the Horde. Second of all, a Warchief is supposed only to be named in times of war. It’s not supposed to be permanent. When the threat is over, the position is nullified. Because of that the Council is a perfect solution to a Horde at peace. When war pops off, then a new Warchief can be appointed to direct military matters.
Honestly it was the right move… allowing one person to make all the calls has shown to be a bad idea before and I’m sick of Horde being painted as the bad guys because our leader lost their dang mind or life. Every race of the Horde gets a say in matters although if Baine keeps acting as if he’s the new warchief I’ll gut him myself. Let the Alliance be the bad guys going forward…let their so loved champion of the light Turalyon lose his dang mind and start the next war or hey Tyrande even…give me a chance to sink my blades into Tyrande’s neck for doing something really dumb. Oh and can we replace Baine as tauren chieftain…sick and tired of having a traitor who’d happily brown nose the alliance at the drop of a hat. The centaur should of killed that fool years ago if he’s going to be such a joke as he is today
People have whined and moaned about Horde favoritism for like… years? When it’s been very clear that the writing team prioritizes alliance stories and neglects horde stories.
Like, they’ll do some lip service to the horde cultures in the game and give some watered down tauren quest about ancestors here and there but they don’t actually attempt to make any horde characters lead or take initiative on a large scale.
The closest they’ve done to development was Baine in DF (and I like that questline fine) but it’s very little and it just reminds me that Baine is very… fickle.
Alliance players know perfectly well that even though they’ve been in the driver’s seat for a long time, if they continue to complain, Blizzard will continue to cater to them.
It’s actually most likely to be the Alliance. Turalyon could seize power and go crazy refusing to let things go and be the Alliance form of Garrosh. Given we know Yrel from the AU has similar Light obsessions to Turalyon he could very well make a splinter faction encompassing Alliance, whatever Yrel’s light zealots are called, and the Scarlet Crusade which is hinted to still be active.
What actual difference does it make? From a gameplay point of view, we haven’t had any interaction with the leadership this expansion. From a story point of view, the horde basically operated with the consensus of all the leaders anyway. Pretty much the only times when they didn’t agree were for monumentally serious issues that led to the warchief being overthrown.