You wanna lose your new tree too?
I’m sorry. I really am. As the acting Warchief since the time of the ending of Battle for Azeroth, I have slipped off behind the scenes to blaze some trails off map. I won’t apologize too much, but a council was the best option I had at the time to leave in my stead.
I have found my way back naturally, aided our dragon pets (hehe) immensely. (Remember to pat them often, they love under chin skritches, as do I. Skritch skritch.)
I may not resume my role of Deputy Warchief at this time, or soon, as I am an eager prospect of our dragon frands. I lost my crown, I think my twin has it to be honest!
But maybe I should, quickly, aggressively. As this Elf just above has reminded me why I took the role firstly! Exposed bellies would make a weak, crumbling Horde, am grateful it is currently on the other side. Though we have our own Elf, um, problem…
Maybe Nisha can garner the support to become the official, major reputable Warchief, for she is stronk, stronker then any orc maybe. Or Kiro if that’s the preferred option.
All that matters is, if it’s blue, it has no say in matters from our side! (They already show their true, disdainful colors anyways)
The only reason maniacs ended up in charge in the first place was because the Alliance fangirl/fanboy writers at Blizzard can only tell one story: “Horde bad. BAD!”
The notion of Garrosh being in charge defies all credulity.
But “Horde culture” is that they follow power-hungry supremacists. They’ve hardly ever done anything but.
Fig. A:
This is all you need to know about Horde “culture”.
Yup exactly this.
The Horde needs a strong leader with the will to act and do what’s right for the Horde and not be all peaceful and subservient to the Alliance at the cost of the people, like we should be looking for a new home to found a new city for the Horde which can sustain the Faction. like Durotar was already a bad place to live Garrosh pointed that out himself and now via Exploring Kalimdor we know that the water is toxic and undrinkable after the Cataclysm meaning Durotar has to import water as well as food.
Like if someone basically took over all the trade routes making imports impossible the Horde would die this is our reality and planting a few trees in the Orc Heritage quest ain’t gonna change that.
No warchief.
Horde can still have a Council, if they make the rank of Warchief one that exists as an extension of it.
Military matters? Go to the Warchief. Horde needs a combat expedition? Go to the Warchief to organize one. Don’t make the Warchief some meat head you pull off the street, have them coordinate with members of the council about combining combat strengths.
If war becomes a thing then the Warchief needs the councils approval to do it, otherwise they withdraw support. Horde forces are tribal enough that no new Warchief could win the troops loyalty over the faction leaders, unless the writers are stupid or lazy.
how’s undercity these days
Horde would find more use for fire wood than a pile of rubble.
If elected as horde president I promise a a mechanohog in every garage and a Vulpera in every pot!
Exactly can use the wood from the Night Elves new tree to build ourselves a new capital city somewhere thats actually hospitable
We should make a boat out of it.
Only starting in Cata with the Alliance fangirls writing the Horde as cartoon villains.
Which is why Horde players were aghast when Blizzard jumped the shark by putting that clown in charge.

Which is why Horde players were aghast when Blizzard jumped the shark by putting that clown in charge.
Have you looked at this thread? Garrosh fanboys haven’t gone anywhere.
I’m talking about Horde players at the time.
Not the “hurr hurr hurr did nothing wrong” idiots that have come along since.

Do you think Blizzard will ever relise that creating a “horde council” was the most awful story direction to take the Horde and just give us a Warchief again that will hopefully not get villian batted or get killed off after one expansion.
Ehh, having a council gives the writers an opportunity to create tensions between equals, power-plays and betrayals without destroying the Horde in the process.
Want to run a wide story line where some council member goes off the rails and starts bad stuff?
Sure, because someone else on the council can just oppose them, stymie them.
You get the threat without the decimation. Fans get to say so-and-so did nothing wrong and go post vs post over it without actually kicking the balance of the game flow over.
Its a good narrative safety net letting you promise game-breaking malfeasance without having to deliver.
A Warchief is elected when there is War.
Just wait for Turalyon to go full fanatic and then the Horde Council will have to pick a new warchief to direct the battles and resources.

There’s a council, but we all know it’s Thalyssra and Lor’themar running the Horde.
that is unironically not a bad idea- why NOT put the people with literal millennia of experience being part of an advanced civilization in charge of actually running government when so many of the other member-states are one or two generations removed from being severely isolated or semi-nomads? But, at the same time could come of as smacking of racism- the ‘civilized’ races being put in charge of the ‘savages’. Oh well, it’s not the player’s fault we can’t seem to go for two expansions straight without either a troll raid, the Forsaken kicking every puppy they see (and them reanimating them to attack children), or the orcs going stupid and genocidal again.

Ok and the solution to that isn’t destroying The Hordes culture and identity turning it into Alliance but red the solution is for Blizzard to stop writing our Warchiefs as power hungry supremacists.
IDK, the Alliance doesn’t have a Council, so this Horde development is eminently theirs, culturally-wise.
I do think the role of Warchief could return, but merely in a “Commander of the Horde Military Forces” but given the baggage, I guess “High Overlord” would suffice.

Ehh, having a council gives the writers an opportunity to create tensions between equals, power-plays and betrayals without destroying the Horde in the process.
Which a lot of Horde players are absolutely sick of if they want to do more of that give the Alliance a taste of it.

Want to run a wide story line where some council member goes off the rails and starts bad stuff?
See above.

Sure, because someone else on the council can just oppose them, stymie them.
Can do that without a council.

You get the threat without the decimation. Fans get to say so-and-so did nothing wrong and go post vs post over it without actually kicking the balance of the game flow over.
You get awful story telling that pisses Horde players off even more.
The Horde is supposed to be a faction of outcasts trying to survive and secure a place in a world that hates them but ever since Cataclysm Blizzard ditched that and turnt the Horde into a bunch of genocidal monsters obsessed with War.
Like in the lore Durotar is inhospitable the water is polluted and toxic and well nothing grows we need to find somewhere new to live where we can not only survive but thrive but instead we’re keeping our heads down letting people of the Horde suffer whilst kissing the Alliances boots and playing Pacifist.

IDK, the Alliance doesn’t have a Council
Dwarves are led by a Council because a certain someone wouldn’t let The Dwarf princess take her rightful place as Queen.