So Horde can walk around the new Night Elf city?

If you aren’t a blood elf though, you probably shouldn’t be there. We don’t want it stinky.

There’s a portal to it for Alliance players in SW, so it’s likely the new city.

That was Sylvanas. My Tauren was in Exile’s Reach saving the world from a dragon zombie. I’ve only done positive things.

The Night Elves never had that problem until the Worgen started living there BTW.

Maybe it was Sylvanas’s Elf heritage that made her want to BBQ people when she did it. :thinking:

This is cope.

I feel like Blizzard got an L here. The patch info literally declares it as “Night Elf’s New Home”. Yeah they need a place to live but I seem to recall two factions busted their butt for that place. So why exactly is a neutral territory owned by a race of the Alliance?

Why even allow the Horde if you’re gonna put some silly debuff on us after all that teamwork? Some butt cheeks logic if you ask me. Either make it genuinely neutral or give it to the Alliance.

Idk if NE eat meat…the worgen might pounce though as I’d imagine they love BBQ

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they should be!
im tired of the constant fighting n crap.

I question if you’re a chud with a mindest of “muh faction war can never end!”

Except citizens are not responsible for the actions of their government in every situation. There were a lot of Horde players who did not want to burn the tree and were upset to be a part of that. Or did you just ignore that little fact?

Implying you need to be at war to disallow certain provably nefarious peoples entry into your cities and settlements.

Yes, completely, because the horde isn’t a real political entity to which real people belong and their affiliation means nothing to me.

Then why are you even arguing about this…and its still a faction and a community. The citizens are not all on board with what Slyvannas did. There was a whole civil war against her. Saurfang died? Remember that? I think you’re trolling at this point.

Implying you have some other reason for why you want them kept out?

This person is trolling. Report. Ignore. Move on.

They need to make is so Alliance players can kill Horde in the city at all times. After all it’s their fault the last one got burnt and the genocide of the Night Elves. Kill all Horde and keep em dead always.

Because it’s fun.

Their being dirty warmongers is reason enough, imo.

Disagreeing with you =/= trolling.

Let the horde look around. They’re in desperate need of some education in architecture and plumbing.

Without some aid from the alliance, in ten more years those filthy toads will still be living in tents and dirt growling “work work” and smelling like horrid bovine.

This is our chance to domesticate the animals into something more respectable.

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No, you not adding anything to the thread is trolling. Pretty sure the mods will agree with me.

You all keep calling it a “city” but that’s a misattribution. It’s just a settlement. There’s all of 5 buildings present and one of them is a guard tower, Gadgetzan has more of a presence.

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However, your character also canonically was the reason for the wipe-out of the Night Elves in the first place. Like most of us Horde-players.

I’m gonna assume that when Gilneas gets recaptured by the Alliance, again, that it’ll be properly cemented as an Alliance only place with guards kinda how Lordaeron is atm.