So Horde can walk around the new Night Elf city?

That video seriously creeped me out when I was little.

Only Humans and only with the help of a Val’kyr.

It’s likely, due to the Forsaken helping reclaim it.

… You know, the people who made it near unlivable to begin with? Yeah.

Frankly, if it’s not a ‘sanctuary’ style situation like Bel’ameth is, I’m going to be livid. If you’re going to force the Night Elves to stay ‘friendly’ with the people who burned their last home down, you better force everyone else to be ‘friendly’ and let them wander their cities, too.

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I know.
It’s abject garbage, both here and in the case of Bel’ameth.
Completely ridiculous, inhuman logic.

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I agree. Sadly, this seems to be the new direction (or at least, it will be unless Metzen does some massive course correction come the World Soul Saga).

I’m not entirely against some ‘peace’ between the factions, and even intermingling where it’s sensical based on the armistice (primarily their capital cities, and still ‘under observation’ so nothing in them can be used).

But Night Elves and Gilneans were the absolute worst place to start trying to allow factions to intermingle in cities. The only races with more bad blood for the other faction are probably Trolls and Orcs lmao.

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So this new tree :deciduous_tree: huh… any for a BBQ?

If I had my choice I would have locked you up and turned you into bbq for humans.

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Alliance should be allowed to walk around Undercity once it’s rebuilt.

There are no more Val’kyr. The remaining were all killed in the Sanctum of Domination… So currently there will not be any more Forsaken.

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Are we sure it’s the new Night Elf city, and not like just the new Auberdine, with the real city coming later? Not that we could walk around in Auberdine…

Anyway, as much as I like the factions working together I’m not in favor of being able to walk around in the other faction’s towns and cities. So if this really is the new Night Elf city I hope they close it off to Horde at the start of the next expansion. It’s fine to have people look around for awhile to check things out, but yeah.

Either that or the worse choice of letting Alliance into one of the Horde cities. Maybe the rebuilt Lordaeron/Undercity.

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The heavy perfume market will never recover…


as long as i dont see mud huts randomly pop up at the establishment

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mud huts everywhere.

It sounds like a legal compromise

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Ahem. I mean, May I suggest thunder bluff

Sounds more like blizzard realising how many people they annoyed by putting the night elves’ new “home” on the wrong continent, so they’re quietly downplaying it now. But more to the point, horde characters have wandered freely through night elf settlements before.

This is all an effort to introduce co-faction restrooms and eventually no factions.
And those that don’t like it will have the non retail versions.
Kind of clever on blizzards part.

When I helped de-blight the Undercity I had a buff that turned me into a Forsaken and let me walk around town and talk to all the NPC’s. Once the quest was done the buff came off and I was hostile again.

I REALLY hope this is how they do it with Gilneas.

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Night Elves should be unfriendly to the Horde characters but allowed to walk in the city (village). Neutral for Night Elves is bad. :dracthyr_tea:

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“So Horde can walk around the new Night Elf city?”

Yes , but the 1st one that tries to put up a tusk/dirt/skin house in a random place, you are all out.