So Horde can walk around the new Night Elf city?

I like that debuff IF it come with a way to over time, by building trust can be removed. My suggestion in that once you are there to visit you should be able to pick up and do quests to be helpful and by earning reputation. The sentinel’s suspicion would then ease up and eventually disappear and the debuff would then become a positive message of appreciation about the presence of an honoured guest.

Step one would be to have proper embassies. That means that there should be an Alliance embassy in Ogrimmar. There donations of materials needed to build the new city could be made. A Horde embassy in Stormwind could meanwhile collect aid to homeless Forsaken.

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I have seen enough western movies to know what little is require to count as a city on the frontier. :wink:

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I like this idea as well. Kinda like if you’re playing a Drow in D&D and you’re not attack on sight but you’re mistrusted? I think Ravenloft is like that in some places too, xenophobic vibe, ext.

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In before Midnight with Silvermoon being made a sanctuary zone (or maybe the broken half). Not unless they move Dalaran back to its original crater (then again where else would we stay in TLT when we go back to Northrend >_>;