So Horde can walk around the new Night Elf city?

The real question if I kill horde in the new elf city, do the guards pummel me?

i dont intend to let them

probably, yeah

A theory that has to be tested.

Is there a troll Michael Jackson singing the chorus?

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I question whether I’m actually talking to a human being or some kind of alien when I encounter takes like this.

Only one of them was the reason a new tree was needed to begin with.


…of Screams


Nelf players should get a one shot buff for when Horde players start pvp, when not if.

It’s not a city. It’s a settlement. Blizzard’s own words.

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Then I just walk in all armor fire themed with fire lord title am immediately killed and left confused as to why.


It’s obviously because I’m a walking bbq in process and just smelled too good to resist.

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Based Superstore fan.


It’s not some ridiculous reason.

My horde character

  • Actively rescued Tyrande from the Maw
  • Actively rescued every night elf soul we could from the Maw
  • Saved Ysera from getting deleted
  • Is the reason the seed existed in the first place
  • Defended the seed the entire way until it grew into the tree
  • Is the reason you have this new home

My Tauren druid isn’t just some Horde, he has proven through actions that he deserves a welcome, after all the work he put in to get you there.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:




Yea, it’s a good excuse to get all the orc ladies invited.

If Horde can walk there, that means it’s our city.

That wasn’t supposed to stay a quote but I’m too lazy to fix it.


It’s kind of funnier this way

I like the idea, but I would like this to be combined with a possibility to over time earn the locals trust, causing the message to be “less harsh”. Maybe the guards could become right out friendly eventually. Assaulting low level areas is an example of an activity to NOT take part in to achieve this.

Is also part of the faction that facilitated Amirdrassil’s need in the first place, you silly little gnome.


If it wasn’t for the death toll involved burning Teldrassil could be seen as a service. That thing was an abomination. But the loss of life, that was horrible.

Seriously, Teldrassil, in game looked some gigantic tree stump with some lover branches still attached to it. There was no tree living feeling to it. If Teldrassil had looked like Amidrassil does, then we could have a city in the branches with bridges and walkways all over the place. There was NOTHING with Darnassus that looked like the place was built upon a tree.

I have it on good authority that some of my fellow undead are lighting campfires in the tents and forest—not me, of course. Currently, no effect. I will report back if we, I MEAN THEY, are successful.
Scribbles Note to self: Add more doom weed to the fire.

Jokes aside, I am for faction neutrality. At this point in WoW’s life, player experience in the game trumps the storyline, and if that means removing factions so be it. Anyone still playing for the story is smoking said doom weed anyway. Just my opinion though.

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