So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

Just stop… One BG win would level you out, seriously

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The person with the most KB’s in OP’s screenshot… that person is leveling at a good pace, is 58 now. I wasn’t quite sure who OP was talking about since I glossed over the armory link. So I checked out a couple.

Anyway I think I know whats going on, if you check out the rogues gear. He has gear ranging from 36 to 38. If he was a 39 twink, wouldn’t it all be lvl 39 gear since scaling? The poor guy was probably leveling and OP just went off the level it scales you to(being 39 in this case)

He actually has 2, Shoulders and trinket.

No because as a twink you’re not focused on item level, you’re focused on stat allotment and gear. He’s actually flipped a few pieces of gear for… whatever reason. I’m not sure the motive he’s going for.

If he was leveling, he’s having a hard time getting experience to actually attach to his character. I tested the dispute on my BG only alt that you wouldn’t level off 4 wins without heirlooms and as a 63 rogue you level off 2. That’s literally leveling from 63 to 65. One full game of Warsong Gulch, three caps, and a 4 cap Arathi Basin. 4/5 the way into 63, you ding 64 mid battleground. The victory gets you just over half way into 64. At 64 doing Arathi Basin you literally level to 65 at the end of the victory. This was without losses, this was two victories back to back without heirlooms. This guy not only has more victories under his belt but more losses that give experience too.

No no not item level, the required level.

I don’t see where you’re going with this, he has all level 37 - 39 gear.

36-39, I’m trying to say wouldn’t it say 39 if he were to go get the same piece at his current level?

His helm also only has a head enchant on it and detects stealth better, no stats.

No because most of his gear is crafted, vendor, or otherwise. He doesn’t have any ‘drop’ dungeon gear that I can see. Granted i could be wrong but i’m not seeing it.

The ilvl on one of his rings is also kind of low compared to his others, and thats a BG cache ring.

And yet we have this thread, where players are dissecting another’s Armory.
TBH it just does not seem fair.
Would you not agree?

His primary is the mallet, which is a legacy item that doesn’t drop and wouldn’t upgrade. His second is a BoE sword that wouldn’t scale

Armories are dissected multiple times a day on the forums, welcome to something that isn’t new. PvE included.

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Wow, another troll post. How new

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This is not being done in a positive light, I feel it is Armory Shaming.
We can let the people decide.

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Once again, nothing new, and I was actually doing it in a positive way.

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He does seem to do it do a few people actually.

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I used to be a twink and supported the twink community right up till all of them started saying exploiting into battlegrounds was working as intended.

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All of my Twinks are in Brackets, nothing has changed.
When Armories are linked in a way I feel is distasteful, I have every right to speak my mind on the subject.
There is no trolling involved.

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I’d suggest in future report them for cheating instead of AFK then. The AFK report only kicks them.

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Oh I do that too. I do so enjoy getting garbage players banned from this game. It makes me sleep better at night.

Exactly how it should be done.
Not mass AFK reporting information on threads IMO.