So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

Hey Kids! Do you like Twinks?

Kids : No

Do you hate how twinks are exploting to get into battlegrounds?

Kids: Yeah!

Well here’s an easy fix for you! When you see a twink who obviously is a twink and is either in the battleground to drop before the end or is using the exploit to get in, here’s what you do!

Target Twink
Right click his portrait.
Report AFK in the start up of the game!

That’s right! In the first few minutes of initial start-up you and your team can all report the twink and the game immediately kicks him out of the battleground! Amazing, huh? Go try it today. Remind those stinky exploiters that we don’t want your kind in this battleground and we don’t like people breaking Blizzard rules!

Thanks for playing!

Note, this also gets them a fat 1 hour deserter debuff! Super duper!


I see this thread going places.


And then we can all report YOU for abusing the reporting system.


Basically, kick vote your geared team mates. :ok_hand:

The whole team looked happy farming the GY, last I checked.


Yes, please, fill out that report. I was a twink who exploited to get into a battleground and they vote kicked me because they didn’t want me there! I’m sure that will go over swimingly.

You should call this the movement 2.0

You are using the in game function blizzard gave you.

Clearly they support this movement.

At least we know who to look for.
Lets see some 60-0 match ss, to show you how well “Levelers” can do. :neutral_face:

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You got any of those kind of k/d screen shots at end game?

You do understand that:
a. They’re not “exploiting” anything
b. Misusing to report system can get YOU banned.

But hey! Feel free. We won’t have to worry about seeing you in our BGs again.


Using a bug to bypass a restriction on a queue that would normally not allow you to join a level 30-39 battleground with your experience off is in fact the exploitation of a bug.

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Joining a bg and avoiding xp by leaving sounds like an exploit.


Are you just… wait… you seriously think in the time it took me to level multiple times, he wouldn’t have leveled once?

You can’t prove he’s using any such bug.

You can post it in bug reports but reporting him in game for no reason is misuse of the reporting feature.


That’s Not an exploit at all. That’s using the system you have available to play how you want. If that was an exploit, Blizzard would of done something about it years ago, because it’s nothing new

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Prove he hasn’t leveled.
You do know that not everyone in BG use their XP boosting gear.

So, the guy turns off xp in the time it takes him to load into a battleground so he doesn’t earn xp in the battleground he clearly should be. This isn’t a bug? You don’t think that’s an exploit?


That’s what any exploiter would say.


No, I’m not trolling. Are you?

Turning off XP while in que kicks you out of que. do I really need to explain how the system works?

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No, not when you turn off in the time it takes to transition you into the battleground. This is the exploit.

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