So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

You know, I should message a customer service rep and ask them what they think about it.

This is not a “Neat Trick”, by any means.

Which? Exploiting an obvious bug in the game to get into a battleground you were never meant to be in?

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If something rattles you to the point of threads like this, it may be time for professional help from Blizzard.
They have systems set up for doing exactly what we need to do.

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Still waiting. Are you saying this isn’t a bug?

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Be sure to link them this thread, and your contribution to players Armories that you are accusing of breaking rules.

Doubt you’ll get a proper reply, he asked me one day how am I enjoying the twinks in my BGs, I’m 120.

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Still waiting on you to answer the question.

Do you think using a bug to exploit your way into a battleground is against the rules? You’re avoiding answering that. Why? Yes or no, buddy friend.

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Ask a staff member from Blizzard, they can answer all of your questions.
You understand my feelings on this Armory linking accusations, I feel it is against the rules.

But i’m not asking a staff member, i’m asking you. I want to know your personal opinion on it. You obviously care enough because you get so extremely defensive about the ‘rights’ of players who you feel are threatened. So let’s hear your opinion on this ‘hot topic’

Do you feel using a bug to exploit your way into a battleground is wrong?

It’s a simple answer : Yes, or No.

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I cannot see the post through my Rhinestone stunner shades.
Hopefully you get some professional help from Blizzard in the near future.

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So you’re trolling, okie doke. Thanks for admitting to trolling :slight_smile:

And let’s not insult anyones intelligence by saying that a piece of equipment in a video game keeps you from seeing a forum post in real life. Or do, and I can report that too :slight_smile:


I have had enough, leave me out of your plans.

Yup guilty until proven innocent! burden of proof is on the person you called out! :rofl:

Big bad unheard of exploit that nobody has heard of outside of OP totally exists :roll_eyes:

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Actually, you can’t do anything about it.

Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail:

This is what gets me going. Blizzard spent a lot of time developing this game over the years, xpac by xpac, to bring new content for players to enjoy. The xp-off system was designed to allow new players to reach the max-level for each xpac, then be able to disable their xp gains in order to progress through old raid content the way players did when those raids were endgame content; Once players finish this nostalgic progression, they could then turn xp back on and continue through the next expansion and do the same thing. The whole point was that no one would be rushed through old content if they wanted to simply enjoy lower-levels. That’s AWESOME for pve, but when we use this same system to gear for pvp it has been deemed unfair to people who simply choose not to play the game that way, which is utterly irrational. A system that is openly available to all people, but utilized by few, is not unfair…it’s practical. Players will always look for how to get a leg up on competition, whether it be through rigorous training, coordinating teams with coms, or simply finding better gear to play with. This game is 100% about gear, and always has been (with the exception of pvp templates in Legion), so what is so different about low-level game play? Oh, that’s right…people who are trying to gain xp as quickly as possible to level up to the endgame content feel entitled to a path of least resistance in all things, dumbing-down the game and making it so there is no incentive to do anything but the new endgame content, but that just isn’t desirable to some of us who have lives and don’t want to constantly grind for new gear every patch/xpac to stay relevant. I have said all of this before, but it’s a new day so I have to reiterate the sentiment to give myself a bit of solace in my time of despair. I love this game, and have for 14 years, but now it seems Blizzard doesn’t want me to play anymore since they killed the system that allowed me to do so at my leisure. All I ask for now, as a 14 year sub, is no different that a 14-year customer of any business: it is not unreasonable to ask the company who takes my money for a service what direction they are taking the service, so I can decide whether or not I buy into the newly evolved value proposition. I get to vote with my dollars, as does everyone else…I just want the ability to make an informed decision, and don’t think that’s too much to ask as a paying customer.


You should be for even saying that as it’s against the rules


They add a feature that allows you to turn EXP off, they add gear and enchantments, and gems that is designed to make your character stronger, they make PvP gear obsolete… and then they punish us for it.

Makes exactly NO sense to me.
They took away my last avenue of fun.
My friend’s list, which was thriving, is empty again.

WoW FINALLY felt like an MMO, and now it’s a ghost town again, with most of my friends unsubbing, or can’t even log in due to error #132 .
I have been exiled once again to playing alone, grinding out alts to max level, and then shelving them because BFA is so uninteresting to me.

I never started twinking to smash levelers, I’m a healer for goodness sake! My obligation was to heal the entire team not just twinks.

I would have been completely fine with them not allowing premades, or queues separated, if EVERY bracket was viable, and not just 19, 29, and 39 =/
But the twink community is just simply not big enough to sustain each bracket.

I unsubbed all 4 accounts I was paying for, but still have 4 months left on my main account, so I will play alone again, I guess.

I wish to God I had never spoke out against twinks. I was so misinformed, and feel partly responsible for this.


You were the last vote that tipped the scales so we thank you.

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Highly doubtful, but still very regretful of my misconceptions of twinks.

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