So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

So its either all or nothing for you? Alleviating a large source of it is beneficial no matter how you slice it.

That would be you guys. I’m for more balancing and keeping players together.


Thats not what you were implying. You made it sound like removing twinks is useless because gy farming still happens. I said it removes a large source of it.

Playing on Horde is too...easy. Got to love this gem XD

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Whats funny about that? I enjoy playing on my alliance characters more because its challenging at 120?

GY farming IS a real bore. It’s annoying and last time it happened the xpon people in my BG lost their minds because ‘we have to get them back for once!’ when I told them it was a bore and a jerk move.
I get a little tired of it being pinned on the same people when we sit in mid bored.

That being said OP is trying to fight fire with napalm. Suspicion I totally understand because it is sketchy that they can do so many without leveling but advising people to be malicious to others on an inkling is just wrong. You have no proof. Send to Blizz so they know and let it rest instead of trying to incite a riot.


Or you could report them for abusing that particular system rather than abusing the horribly atrocious right click report system we have now.

Yes, I’m saying it made no difference.

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:joy: that’s a good joke. No difference between the two except queue times.


I explained in that post that that is WITH BoAs (heirlooms)

I leveled from 39-40 with 1 win wearing heirlooms.

Only if you were a Stone’s throw from 40 to start.

I have a full set of BoAs on my 23 and It take me a couple of wins to go one level.

Of course, there’s probably some up scaling on XP returns at higher levels, but you can’t gain one full level from a single win, even with a Full set of BoAs. Not with them alone, anyway. Might of been during a PVP Weekly that gave you %50 XP during a BG.

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wow that is such a lie


No, that is a mathematical fact.

I have SS’s of skipping levels after a win. Which is why i think the whole twink thing is super blown out of proportion.

Regardless, we’re getting off track.

My Point being, This Twink she’s claiming to have seen “Never leveling” probably has NO BoAs and wasn’t 39 when see claimed to have noticed him in multiple BGs.

By the time she noticed him, he could very well have leveled from 30 to 39 before she bothered to look him up. At Least, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt with that one. Assuming she really did see him in that many BGs and assuming she didn’t start stalking him the MOMENT she saw that if was a Twink and just ASSUMED he was exploiting to get there.

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I mean, unless they haven’t logged off in 24 hours, they have been 39 all along.

Possible. I log off several times during a night, jumping from one character to the next for various reasons (usually because I’m absentminded and keep forgetting what I was doing was I log in on one. But that’s neither here nor there.)

We can wait till morning to see what their armory says, but the last 24 hours they have been level 39.

Probably hasn’t played since the OP’s little Tirade. We don’t actually know exactly WHEN this supposed events took place.

And looking him up, I do see he only has one peice of XP boosting gear and what looks to me some recent additions that he’s just recently added. So he could be off to regear.