IE kick threats/blackmail

I would agree with Thundertotem here.

It certainly isn’t something that we condone, but why a vote to kick is initiated or passes is not a factor. They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.

I’m not entirely certain what that would mean, as you aren’t able to trade with anyone in a dungeon, raid or scenario unless they are from your realm. The only thing you could trade would be summoned items or items that drop and eligible for trade.

I will say that we have seen a number of complaints with interactions players have had in Island Expeditions, so there certainly is room for improvement. I’d highly recommend submitting any feedback/suggestions through the in-game interface option located in the help menu or by posting in the Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios forum with any suggestions you may have on how you’d like to see the Vote to Kick option work for Island Expeditions.

I know there are some restrictions in normal dungeons and raids, but I’m not sure what they are for these scenarios. Did you just get out of combat? I’ll see if I can hunt down some specifics to see if that is a bug or not.