So does RWF prove that guilds need Master Loot

Hold on. Is this you?

One day, assuming you have any semblance of logic in your head and aren’t just being a contrarian for post count, you’re going to wake up and realize why guilds do this, what their goals are, and why it has to be done the way that they are.

It blows my mind how people who oppose master loot constantly tout as though others are playing the game “wrong” because they aren’t playing the game the same way they envision. Even going as far as to say people who play the game differently should be banned. Then these people say that other people will go on a power trip and abuse master loot. Really strange. :upside_down_face:


To get extra loot early, I’m fully aware, and to feed loot to specific people (Which top end guilds abuse to get more gear to their ‘main team’ etc.)

Correct, because ML was often abused and had so many downsides that PL ended up being a better solution.

Yes, just like I think people using TSM scripts should be because of the effect it has on the game is negative. Simple. But seeing you just want to bad faith post at me instead of debating points bye :upside_down_face:

Don’t mind Pawzer. Based on what they’ve said it wouldn’t surprise me if they either raided on the lowest difficulty or just didn’t raid at all.

The GM of Limit / Liquid already said in an interview before that bringing back ML wouldn’t solve anything and would just make them do even crazier split runs then they do now.

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God damn am I glad folks on GD don’t call the shots for this game.


I’m aware top end raiders don’t like the game being better for more people rather than themselves, it’ll be okay but you should indeed watch the language.

You cannot make this stuff up.

Cough* meta *cough

You are kidding yourself if you do not think there are plenty of gamers out there that mimic what they see their favorite streamer/superguild ect doing.

Does it affect YOU… probably not… does it affect others??? Obviously so.

This goes from wf raiding to pvp… people see what they do and it becomes the gospel

Yeah dude. We can clearly see all the split runs people are doing for Heroic. Blizzard has to stop the WF Raiders so that more Heroic raiding guilds don’t feel pressured to having to run splits for their main team.

You don’t have to split if you don’t want to. Nor does other people giving up loot for gold affect others in the slightest. People need to stop worrying about what others are doing unless it’s at the expense of others or just flatout breaking ToS.

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Look at me, the casual that doesn’t enjoy Blizzard removing choice!


I’d wager that no guild outside of the very best could even pull off split runs in the first place.

The entire point is clearing the instance ot boss as fast as possible to maximize drops. Most of the players have barely killed thrse bosses at all, let alone the 46 times that limit has in 2 days

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What else do you expect from probably the queen of bad takes?

Why are you arguing with the ministry of truth?

If you really don’t like the culture around the game, just leave. Nobody will miss you.

Going the route of “I should be able to make my choice regardless of whom it hurts, for the sake of having more choice” Is generally a bad choice especially in an MMORPG eith rules and such that go against that. :3

“Even though it doesn’t hurt me or anyone”



The person you were arguing with (pawser) is know to try to re-write the reality of whatever argument that they are participating in until they find one where they are correct/win.

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thatll do it lol