So does RWF prove that guilds need Master Loot

And this affects your gameplay how?

Is this mage Ralph The Next Generation or what

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Check what top-end guilds are doing on streams currently, breaking game rules for ‘split runs’ and ‘feed us tier set loot!’ buying stuff out from other players. It makes the world first race, and top end raiding more about ‘who has a lot of gold for raid tiers to buy gear to get stuff down the fastest’.

I preferred the raiding where players had to farm their mats and actively engage with the game. :3

(This comes from someone that’s been raiding longer than you)

I did, actually. There are many alternatives including farming your own mats! Amazing!

99.9% of guilds do farm their own mats and engage in the game.

You’re talking about what happens with about 10 guilds compared to thousands.

And all this stuff used to happen off stream (or before streaming was even a thing).

Ok then bring back ML as an option for guilds again.

Stopped here. How does this affect your gameplay and your gameplay only?

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Ok, I stopped here just to prove a point, then I used a nice forum function added in the new forums at least. :wink:

In an MMORPG, all ways you engage with the game affects everyone elses gameplay.

key word is “used to”
no one has time to do that anymore in this scale

Just let players get badges if they kill a boss without getting loot, and let people buy raid gear with those badges. Suddenly, if you get lucky you can get the piece you need - if you didn’t, you can buy it in a little while. Wow, problem solved. Its almost like this issue was fixed years ago.

They do, actually. If they don’t, then maybe raiding isn’t for them.

All these people with salty titles and I’m just trying to figure out what the r in rwf means, oh. …oh, see that works better with a lowercase f after the R.

That’s a fancy way of saying you don’t know. If you don’t have an answer to the question just say so so that everyone here knows that not only are you talking out of your rear, but you’re just here to troll.

they don’t, actually.
besides you, tell me what guild farms ALL mats for EVERYTHING and BUYS NOTHING.

imagine being banned because you switch to an alt cuz you need to change mains cuz of a nerf or something and the game decides you did a “split”

what could possibly go wrong? :man_facepalming:

Unfortunately this is a symptom of personal loot.

You’d think so huh?

What mats can I farm to get a tier piece?

Wrong, it’s a symptom of the culture around the game. Which is why, even when ML exists (see classic) such things are still quite rampant and there’s GDKPs to ‘buy’ gear.

Should probably read more into the conversation there Anubara. They were discussing what they would do for raid mats if they could no longer sell BoEs and ‘tier pieces’ off, including to top end raiding guilds.

They can go farm their mats needed to raid, flasks, food, etc.

I do normals with my guild and we have people switching out toons all the time .

I think the OP is just a really bad troll

yes. one who apparently has no idea how raiding works.