So does RWF prove that guilds need Master Loot

Sure, I get it, ML in pugs can be dicey, and of course there’s the rare “GM gives loot to terrible gf rather than good raider”, but I mean, we’re mostly 30+ now so that drama is less and less.

Guild groups need ML so gear can be allocated correctly and for the good of the group. The race to world first 4 piece replacing race to world first mythic kills is very boring

No it just proves Blizzard needs to make ‘buying’ gear from others against the rules, and basically ban ‘split runs’ and all the other weird shenanigans people use to try to get ‘extra gear’ early on. Further, no BoE raid drops first month or something too.

You don’t need to kill the boss first week, or even second week of mythic. Simple.


Blizzard needs to just not care how paid professionals play their game.


It took way less than this RWF to know personal loot is a joke


Blizzard seems to be dead set against it and I bet if they could, they would do something about the current “splits” method world first guilds use as well. I honestly don’t see the issue with master loot, provided the threshold to use it is set high enough that it is basically a guild only feature for raiding.

But to be clear, they would probably still run splits. As it allows them to send more gear to their main then master loot alone allow in a single raid. It would just make the process easier as they wouldn’t have to gear up the alts being used on the splits before hand.

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that’s gotta be the worst take ever.


Personally I think just a compromise works. Keep personal loot, but allow loot to be traded regardless of ilvl. from my perspective, it does not feel good to go into m+ runs/raids and get an ilvl upgrade but worse stats, and having to vendor that item, when it was an upgrade for someone else in the group. And hardcore guilds could easily have gear traded around this way.

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your whole take is bad.
you hurt other guilds, not just wf ones lol

Not really, though it’s not like guilds need to kill bosses super early in the first place. Shrug Make mythic take as long to kill as bosses used to imo.

How dare I make friends and want to help one another grow! Ban them! Ban them I say!

The splitrun madness also existed in WFR when ML was there, just in another way, so… no.


this hurts other guilds, not just wf ones.

can also harm non wf guilds.

there’s no reason to ban this stuff. lol

How so? :3 Shouldn’t all be about gear in the first place, let alone BoE drops.

Not really. Raiding shouldn’t be all about which guild on the server has the most amount of gold to buy stuff up.

Stop caring about what the top .01% do. Think about the rest of the playerbase.

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some guilds, like mine, sell them :3
we use it to fund feasts, cauldrons, flasks, everything. not everyone uses BoEs.

its not

Ok, find another way to make gold. Problem solved, BoEs shouldn’t be a raids main source of income.

Kinda is.

tell me you don’t raid without telling me you don’t raid

I’m sure you’d find another reason to complain about it.

“We HaTeS tHeM! wE hAtEs ThE tOp EnD pLaYeRs!”

Been doing so much longer than you. Guilds used to farm their own mats, shocking I know.

You seem upset you wouldn’t passively make all your gold from doing something you’re already planning to do in the first place. Even though, it’s entirely what raiders used to do was farm raid mats.

I think the game once again needs to let organized groups freely decide what they want to do with their loot drops.

If your group wants to use PL and not trade anything. Fine. You continue to do that.
But a lot of us want the options we had before back.

Within PL, getting a piece of gear you are not going to use and not being able to trade it to another group member who would use it just sucks and feels bad. It didn’t use to be this way. We want to be able to freely distribute loot among group members without PLs dumb restrictions.

:rofl: :clown_face: what? That’s not how this works. You didn’t provide a solution, let alone an alternative, nothing is solved.

X Class is underperforming. Just find a way to do more damage. Problem solved!