So does RWF prove that guilds need Master Loot

Yep, it’s why I referred to them as the ministry of truth.

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Weird, coming from the person that posted on multiple characters to get around my ignore and act like two separate people in a thread to sock-puppet your opinion… Then claimed you were not the same person you both just had the exact same achievements, pets, and mounts. Pretty sure that’s a title for you, not for me, especially since you continuously follow me into threads and try to spread libel about me.

I’m not the one who isn’t internally consistent. If we take everything you claim about yourself across multiple threads as fact, you arrive at just enough contradictions to assume that something odd is happening.

It might prove that world first guilds could benefit from it. Your 2 night raiding guild is going to better off with PL. Players willing to sacrifice gear for the good of the raid are probably pretty rare these days.

Ironic stance considering what you want will also hurt a lot of players lmao