So DKS are officially the only class without a raid buff now

Do you even raid? Even on regular heroic groups, some people are put on the bench vs others.

Is this a rebuttal of the question or statement or just some dumb nonsense comeback to attack someone because you have nothing going on?

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Wow player base has aged up significantly, many players don’t have the ability to commit to a scheduled team and pug instead. Not having a raid buff does effect ones ability to get into these pugs. As it sits currently any DK who is in a pug situation will need to play blood to get invited reliably, or be overtuned/overgeared.


Well considering I clear the raids on multiple toons, changing specs as needed, I’m asking if you even raid because what you stated is in fact not true.

So its a character attack and not a rebuttal. Welcome to the ignore.

Pfft. That was so obviously not a character attack you just ignored the statement that people do in fact bench some players even in heroic. Hope you start ignoring everyone so you cant keep derailing conversations you aren’t willing to engage in.


:rofl: lmao so that is a no. Thanks for confirming you’re talking out of thin air with this.

Why even pretend you have experience in what you’re talking about when you can’t even tell me yes or no that you actually raid…


Yes it was. Maybe if you guys knew how to talk to others you wouldnt be put on ignore. You admitted to trolling and the other guy made a character attack.

And no, you dont go around constantly changing your raid roster.

Thats what you do. You put me on ignore and kept talking about me. Do we need to go over your crappy behavior again?

Why cant you talk to people without attacking them? You people are constantly just looking for a higher authority instead of having a conversation with people. Like what is wrong with you?

How is asking someone their experience in, especially in terms of confirmation of their skill/ experience (so they can back up their claims) have anything to do with an attack? Get over yourself. It is clear you’re upset I called you out. Instead of trying to prove your point with your own experiences, you run away and say I am attacking… thus confirmation you really are just talking in hypotheticals.


I told you I was trolling you by honestly and fairly engaging with your arguments. The obvious implication being that I thought some one acting correctly towards you would piss you off.

I am a raid leader who runs a guild of adults with changing responsibilities. I rework my comp biweekly and fill slots with pugs as needed. You’re just wrong.


This 100%. I have a small friend group that does causual raiding to clear heroic, push keys, and pvp. Sometimes I can’t bring everyone mainly due to everyone in the guild online at once, so we need to make choices, or we have too little and I pug to fill.

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If you dont know how to have a conversation with others then thats a you problem. Do you have to ask flat earthers if they are a physicist? A geologist? No. You dont.

Go back to the drawing board and learn how to communicate with others.

What happened to Ignoring them? Some ones mad.

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No you werent lol. Its also hilarious that you say I derail threads while you literally did that.

I said this… ready?

The answer to that was “do you even raid, lawl you arent even a raider what do you know”. You dont know how to converse with others.

Oh… life responsibilities and filling those holes with pugs arent what we are talking about here. If you were paying attention to what was being said you wouldnt be off in lala land and just trying to own people on the forums instead of continuing the conversation. We are talking about “oh DK doesnt do this on this fight so just kick them out and get a mage”. Sorry that doesnt happen and if you have to do that then you arent that good of a raid group. Unless you are world first raiding you should not be doing this scenario that you are constantly changing your roster during a raid.

:rofl: put me on ignore if you don’t like me stating facts. But yes, when debating someone you ask for their credentials; especially when they are an unknown.


you didnt state facts buddy.

No, you dont. Because a bad argument is a bad argument and if you can only defeat a bad argument by asking for credentials then you have no argument yourself.

That is not how I took the conversation at all. We were talking about bringing them in the first place not changing mid raid.

Quit letting the chip on your shoulder derail topics by interpreting things as negatively as possible.


Because you didnt read apparently.

And I wasnt talking to YOU.

Dont put the chip on my shoulder then. Be a grown up and have a grown up conversation instead of trying to blame and insult everyone else but yourself.

I’ve read everything and me and Bloodronin seemed to be on the same page. You’re the odd man out here. Also its a forum it doesn’t matter if you were talking to me specifically.

Gets mad, blames others for the way they act and feel. Doesn’t see the irony in telling other to act like a grown up.


Lol tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about without stating it. Yes you do ask for credibility. That’s the first rule when determining if someone is qualified to give give proper feedback, diagnosis, and more.

I work in the Pathology field. I’m not going read out a case on a species of animal I’m not experienced in. I’d consult with someone who has the experience.

You’re taking this personal when I asked what is your raiding experience. Why would the devs or anyone take your ideas seriously if you have little to no exp in raiding beyond lfr or normal?

If you think confirmation of someone’s skillset or experience is an attack, then you clearly need to reconsider how you perceive things.

Nevermore and myself have great examples of things we have our own personal exp with. We are asking for yours and you deflect.

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