So DKS are officially the only class without a raid buff now

Looks like shamans got a nice raid buff coming up. I don’t consider grip a raid buff as it is only useful on some fights. AMZ is still lackluster with the discrepancies with blood vs UH/Frost. So when are we going to get an actual raid buff?

  • New Ability: Skyfury – Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally 2% Mastery and empower their auto attacks to have a 20% chance to instantly strike again for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all affected party and raid members will be affected. Learned at level 17.

agreed. it was sort of ok when there were 3-4 classes without a buff, but now we absolutely need one. every single class is required on every raid boss except DK now.


I think we should get horn baseline and make it add crit dmg/haste to everyone.

Or idk, go wacky with it and make it add a %shadowfrost dmg onto all dmg done and also add str and int by like 5% or 2% idk.


But we have grips!!!

No boss can be defeated without.


horn of winter for general raid buff
should abominations might be just for blood?

DK does not need a raid buff because it’s almost always a good idea to bring one.

Blood specifically will be strong because it can heal itself for more HPS than most healers can output to a raid. Going back for multiple expansions there are times where the BDK was able to basically solo a raid boss for a good amount of time after the rest of the raid wiped.

Either Unholy or Frost have always been strong, and even if they weren’t Death Grip, and DPS DK’s overall survivability has been very strong to the point where they have had to nerf things like AMS, AMZ, and Death Strike for DPS DK so that they weren’t basically contributing too much. DK’s also almost always take Abom Limb which has proven to be needed for some raid fights (like Fyrakk) in order to make progression much easier.

No, DK does not need a raid buff because the utility & survivability they bring along with their damage profiles already guarantees them a raid spot for anyone who is good at that class.


this btw^ bdk already has a raid spot cause its kit as a whole can completely negate and cheese alot of mechanics. it doesnt need a raid buff and if people think it does to have a spot in raid then the issue is your raid group itself

At this point if it’s the only one to not have one, it should simply just have one.


Need a raid buff, no. Should dks get one? yes. If other classes also did not have a raid buff, I would agree. But now dks are legit the only one without it.

Blood on its own is already looking to be a very strong tank for tww. It has been really fun on the beta thus far. But what about those who don’t tank? Those who pug, ect?

Yea, dks don’t need a raid buff, but being singled out as the only class that doesn’t have one feels bad.
Grips are nice, but when the fight doesn’t require it, what do you actually provide to your raid other than damage? Why bring a dps dk on a fight where grip isn’t needed, when you could easily bring another dps who most likely will sim higher? AMZ? Oh that’s right, blood dk AMZ is stronger… That being said, defensive cds like that are not considered raid buffs. That is like saying Demon hunter’s have darkness, so why do they need chaos brand?


we shouldnt design or balance classes around pugs. if we did, then alot of things would be horrible

So true, but I think using excluding a large player base solely because of “Play to the best potential and you’re fine” as an argument is whack considering that can be said for all classes. Bottom line, all classes have a direct raid buff now except dk and the devs went back on their reasoning for it. So at this point, what reason is there for dk to not have a raid buff?

yes i see your point it is strange that dk is the only spec that doesnt have a raid buff. but consider the following. what would dk having a raid buff change? itt already has a raidspot, bdk is strong as a prog tank and unholy is a very strong st burst prio spec.

having a raid buff just to have it is fine. i guess. but theres really not much substantial other than that, having a raid buff just to have it

I agree, blood is very strong. It is my preferred tank to be honest. But most dks players don’t tank.

In terms of dps, frost is excluded in this idea of thinking, and all it takes is a tuning nob for the burst to no longer be there or weaker than others. I would love for raid buffs to all be completely gutted so it was simply bring the best player.

In regards to raid spots, if you have majority of what you need already and choice is between two equally skilled players, but one plays a class that has a raid buff (take the new shaman raid buff for example) or a dk where grips aren’t needed. Dk would be left on the bench.

So it isn’t a raid buff to just have one imo.

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your assuming that enhance is playable and ele will be taken over the mage. the only option for the new shammy raid buff is restro. so again there isnt much competition.

also we gotta stop pretending what classes people take in world first raid is relevant for everyone else. youd still be able to down any mythic raid with bdk and with frost and unholy in the same raid group.

also again, if dk gets a raid buff, guess who still gets brought over frost and unholy? blood. like with amz. nothing will change just blood gets more oppressive as a raid tank

You can replace shaman raid buff with literally any raid buff and it still remains true. Since DK is melee, replace it with any other melee in the raid.

And totally agree. I hate the discrepancy of AMZ with dps vs blood dk, which is why I mentioned it in the OP. But if you already have your two tanks, then that argument is mute.

The people saying no is just silly, a raid buff would be cool and wouldnt hurt so now that it’s (DK) the last one we should just go with that LOL


I’m all of every class having a buff but like. I’ve heard the og horn of winter buff so many times that I hear it in my sleep.


The OG Horn of Winter overlapped with Battle Shout and they basically did the same thing to the point that is was always up and the horn and shout was used for RP or rage gain. Whenever you had nothing else to do you would blow horn because 10rp is 10rp for basically nothing.

lol. I remember going into wintergrasp, You just hear dks, myself included spamming it as much as possible. And the train too

I hear Blood Tap just as often.