hey now…all true wow players know the end final boss even the jailor feared…is Hogger.
Hogger the destroyer will come.
hey now…all true wow players know the end final boss even the jailor feared…is Hogger.
Hogger the destroyer will come.
It was imported.
There is no sword in Ba sing se.
Sargeras was providing Azeroth a professional courtesy. (a la the scene from the John Wick movie. No I’m not going to link the scene because we’ve got some finger pointy hatey bois in the forums.)
What sword? According to Blizz Devs there is no sword for roots to twist around so which sword you talking about?
The sword is working as intended.
What sword?
its fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. he got all the bad stuff out of the world in bfa and azeroth healing by itself now. so what if the azeroth is on a permanent tilt and our spin is screwed up due to a sward thats longer then the world beign stuck in us. its all fiiiiiiiiiiiiine, lol
also, as others have said ripping the sword out would probably cause more problems then leaving it in.
Seriously guys what sword are we talking about? (Yes I know what we’re talking about but yes I’m keeping the meme alive…have a nice day everyone)
I vote my character gets super big pulls the sword out… and gets a nice xmog look for alts.
I just have any character I send to Silithus speak with the bronze dragon lady and phase the zone back to its original pre-sword condition.
But yeah, I think the writers are trying to forget about it.
what do your propose we do about it?
how do you pull it out of azeroth?
how do you suggest we plug up the massive hole in the planet after removing it?
Where do we put the sword when its removed?
and finally, we’ve healed the planet, does it actually still need to be removed?
Sword stuck in Sillithus??? You mean that Starbucks that moved in?
There isn’t any reason for the writers to do anything.
The story has been finished.
The amount of detail/follow up to this yall are suggesting has never been present anywhere in WoW’s story. Ever
Tries to resist urge to say “What sword?”
They’ve got the strangest Dragon Drink I’ve ever tasted. Something about infusing it with azerite.
Wait a minute. Am I going to explode?!
Cataclysm made the old world a whole lot better.
Stormwind may have been a wreck for a while, but the workers finally got their act together and finished fixing it.
I think it improved some areas, but not all. Ashenvale could have done without the huge volcano in the middle, for example.
I kind of see it the same way I see the portal to twilight highlands. What’s going on there? I barely even remember. But the answer is nothing current. There are dozens of similar loose ends as the game is quite old and they can’t possibly clean all that up.
i don’t actually remember the questline for that, but i do recall that when i did it, i thought it was a super cool quest chain.