So, Did we forgot about the massive Sargeras sword stuck on Sillithus?

In my opinion, the sword was an upgrade from Bug City. Silithus has always weirded me out. When Sargeras destroyed it, I celebrated.

we might simply be 
 powerless. maybe that’s Blizzard’s message here. They put a giant sword into Azeroth and there’s not one thing we can do about it.

That movie was more entertaining than it had any right to be.

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Yeah unfortunately it’s a meme even to the devs, you’ll see them occasionally bring it up in interviews in a joking way. So everyone is laughing vs. actually doing something about it and trying to solve this massive hole in the lore at the moment.

To be fair, they have said they haven’t forgotten about it though, but it’s hard to feel confident that they’ll address it fully, when even they are memeing on it constantly.

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I bet something will come of it when Azeroth wakes up. If that ever happens anyway.

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I’m just picturing a goblin looking down into the wound and telling Azeroth to take a Tylenol for that headache.

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Good point, that could be a thing.

When Azeroth hatches, shes gonna pull it out.

There’s plenty you can do with it.

Could have some magical means of purifying it and having it absorbed into the planet and repurposed to heal any wounds that may have been caused in the past.

Could start deconstructing it piece by piece and use it to gear up a new army. Or be the basis of a new type of technology. It could be a path towards temporary space travel for new races.

Maybe just rebuild the crater itself and build a new town around the thing FFS.

Just because you and Blizzard lack the creativity doesn’t mean it should be ignored. And since Blizzard has shown time and time again in DF that previously established lore is meaningless then they literally could do whatever they damn want even if it potentially contradicts something. And just ignore that little inconvenience or retcon it like they always do.

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What sword?

On a more serious note. While the sword doesn’t appear to be that big in game, the cinematic shows that it is the size of nation(s). Realistically there is nothing we could do about the sword even if we wanted.
And even if we could remove it, the gaping hole that would be left should cause a volcanic eruption so big it would very likely be the end of the world.

Not of importance for Blizzard it seems :person_shrugging: , at least that is what I gathered when seeing it mentioned in some interviews.

Always cracks me up when someone says the term like this :heart:. This is my favourite word-gag!

ANYWAY I say we should make an even BIGGER sword to cut down Sargeras’ sword. Super simple stuff.


“Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet”


We drained our Artifact weapons into it

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What sword?

I kind of wish he had a second sword. or a dagger. A mega dagger could work.

pretty please. wipe out stranglethorn too.

chromies greatest gift to us with chromie time. Never, ever, eva seeing that place if you don’t want to.

if sylvanas later decided to burn stranglethorn and not teldrassil to the ground, even my alliance would have helped her do it.

Literally this lol

Watch a tear of elune be used to turn it into a pretty big tree for the nelfs
in the middle of a buggy desert.

I remember someone in blizzard saying many years ago “we’re gonna blow a hole innit” but, that never went anywhere.
The Sword of Sargeras isn’t real, it did not penetrate Azeroth.

Amazing. Return to the classic WoW storyline of finding seeds in bear poop and gathering wood to make things. At the end maybe the world can all be fixed, but only if we beat mega-hogger 9000