It’s just an eyesore for me, mostly. Some skirmish zones between the Horde and the Alliance were fine, but I didn’t care for the volcano.
Out of site, out of mind. Until we have a reason to go down that way, it will be ignored.
We haven’t forgotten, we just don’t care. It isn’t doing any harm… yet
Meanwhile Azeroth continues to suffer from the worst migraine of her life.
What sword?
while we’re at it. when are we going to do anything about the maelstrom? its been there for like, 10k yrs and its all the night elves fault yet i don’t hear anyone complaining about it.
This is classic blizzard and I dont blame them. They always say “if the story fits and x y z make sense then we can bring it up again”. For now they want to ignore it and it makes sense but with the amount of titan lore and the theories about azeroth being already corrupted, taken over by old gods or just an old god it self the sword will come back to the story. Not just now. Remembee how long they ignored other huge lore bits before they were brought back specially dragon and titan lore.
I’m sure they haven’t forgotten. They just cant say what they are planning with it because that would be story spoilers.
I expect Sargeras will realize that “he really liked that sword” and take it back leaving us with a whole expansion to find a way to plug up the hole left behind.