Racism and sexism are not going to help solve anything. Quit it.
For all the issues with shadowlands, it’s still better than BfA.
I’m not sure how anyone can really say that and take themselves seriously.
I quit during Uldir BfA was so so bad. SL is still holding my attention, it’s just super long between content.
BfA was worse than WoD, at least WoD had good raids.
i can’t see. if i have a visual debuff on me, it’s a craps shoot as to whether or not i can see it. with dbm/bigwigs screeching at me and flashing on my screen, i can tell for sure if i do or not.
but i’ll do my best to “git gud”.
I mean… it is true? With mythic raiding in mind their is simply too many abilities and mechanics to be aware of and anticipate without it, even heroic can be overly hectic. The devs absolutely have DBM and bigwigs in mind when they make these bosses
I am not surprised.
Blizzard has been coasting along for ages, on the work of add on creators.
With declining sub numbers, and the state of the game, the cachet is gone. I am going to guess a lot more will quit developing in the next few years.
Some people actualy have the nerve to say “waa waa it’s a terrible addon l2p waa waa goobye”.
The amount of work the folks that make these addons have to do is rather heavy, most of the time they code them w/o getting anything in return.
An addon like dmb, which may raise some gameplay questions, still is a tool that helps a lot of players. How dares this guy hope to get some money out of so much time invested in developing it?
I can see why the community council idea came up, most of the stuff posted here is nonsense. Too bad they’ll only invite the shills and yes-men, like that guy who makes a post everytime he makes a purchase from the cash shop.
DBM isn’t going anywhere, though. The links are posted where he clarified that.
True. Saw your link to his patreon page.
Still, I would not be surprised to see changes in the add on world.
No way, you can make weak auras which do the same thing except even more specialized.
I’ll believe it when I see it. This is the third or fourth time the dude has said he’s done developing it only to come back to doing it because he thinks coding an addon should be a substitute for working yet DBM is outclassed by BigWigs in every conceivable fashion, that’s why most people who are in the raiding sphere use it over DBM. He did this in Legion then got enough money to do it for a while. He was going to quit in BFA because his PC couldn’t handle the game (really ironic because in Legion, a complaint with DBM was it forced your PC to use max sound channels which on older hardware would cause massive FPS issues. People removed the line of code and he started making comments in the LUA code saying to “Quit raiding on a potato”, only for him to throw a fit in BFA because his PC couldn’t handle the game anymore. Some company hooked him up with a top of the line PC so he wouldn’t have to quit because a lot of their workers played WoW and used DBM.)
DBM persists on the name recognition, it isn’t that it’s a superior addon. It’s vastly inferior. He’s also upset that they changed his loophole where addon authors were getting rewards based on downloads. That’s why DBM had so many different module download pages once upon a time, then once that loophole got fixed after Curseforge was acquired he started doing it in one bundle.
Yeah this is true, but the two combined really make the game easier to play.
Weak Auras sometimes teeters on shouldn’t be allowed. I will admit though I love it, but there’s some REALLY powerful things it does that automates the experience, not a big deal in PvE, but in PvP it is a huge deal.
No, they don’t. Blizzard doesn’t (and shouldn’t) assume players are using anything when they’re designing encounters. If they’re not providing the tool themselves, they have to design the encounters as if it doesn’t exist, in the event that a player isn’t using them. And to that end, over the years they’ve made it a lot easier for players to be able to tell what’s going on, especially with regard to stuff that an individual player has to react to. DBM is more like information overload, telling a player literally everything even if they don’t personally need to know about it. And some folks have been using it for so long that they no longer know how to read the game’s own information and instead only see DBM (or other addons).
Having never used BigWigs before - what are the key differences?
Funny I always viewed these kinds of addons as a form of cheating, especially when the people who use them look down on those who don’t as some kind of pleb because gasp I didn’t get telegraphed a mechanic a mile in advance and it actually took me by surprise.
All I do is LFR, and I don’t use add ons besides very basic things like coordinates that help me solo. I often wonder how many deaths they would cause me to avoid, but then I remember my negative luck rule, that if I try my best and still die, most likely the game will give me gear. It’s totally not provable scientifically but it sure feels like a reality, and yes throwing the match intentionally doesn’t appear to work. I have to want to win and still fail, then the game feels sorry for me.
As somebody who recently switched from DBM to Bigwigs:
- Bigwigs doesn’t update every single day. (Frankly, the DBM update schedule seems ridiculous, making new daily builds for absolutely trivial changes.)
- DBM hasn’t worked properly for this entire tier for certain things, but BigWigs does (DBM doesn’t have certain actions in the option menus, or it has them but they aren’t working properly, many weakauras that SHOULD be working with DBM don’t work, but work fine with BigWigs, etc.)
- Some of the sound effect options are different.
I’m still working through it. I flipped on Sylvanas prog and the first thing I did was what I always do, which is turn off every notification I don’t need. Which was almost everything. Made me realize how little I use the boss mods’ base functions.
But where boss mods are critical are as a base for weakauras, which are critical.
You heard it here first folks, balefury a player thats never even reached 1400 in pvp says weakaruas are a huge deal and shouldn’t be allowed. It also makes the game easy to play hence why he has so much high end content completed! A true spare parts boi!
Tell me you’re a racist bigot without saying I’m a racist bigot.
I was saying that this seems to be the way they think not me.