So... DBM crew is done

/threaten to punch and break table

But watch as I get too smashed and end up watching a LOTR rerun with ribs and fries


rooooooofl :joy:

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Big Wigs and WA must be too much competition now.

Adapt or fold.

Coming from a melee dps here; we can get by on easy bosses because we’re a brainless role. That’s nothing to really boast about.

Regardless, dbm is pretty minor. If weak Auras was discontinued tomorrow though and all the weak aura makers stopped then mythic raiding would probably screech to a halt for a bit

Yeah one thing to say you’re great at the game following all the stuff deadly boss mods gives you but it’s another thing entirely to learn fights, know their timings by heart and when to counter without DBM. Sadly…hard to convince people of this when I get bad mouthed even in LFR for NOT having DBM or a bunch of mods that only slow my computer down more than help and I got a powerful gaming PC.

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And why do you care ? I dont.
I just ignore those who do and never group with them again.

When I was playing wow, I had a ignore list longer than my forum ignore list, which is large, and my qq times were actually shorter.

If everyone ignored people who are dumb in LFR, those people would end up not being able to do LFR or group only amongst themselves.

But hey, people like democracy when it requires OTHERS to benefit them, not when it is for the “good of the realm”.

Gofundme DBM page?

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My forum ignore list used to be massive, but then i realized it’s more entertaining just not ignoring anyone.

$100/month ?

Edit: “I’m doing my part”
h ttps://

This forum is like Police Squad: It needed cancelling because it had too many jokes in a short time for people to get them all.

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So says a noone on the internet, so let it be done.:roll_eyes:

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Many people say it in the Internet, and even in WoW, but in WoW most people say it and refer to “pay attention to dbm”. The others just dont play wow.

Rude much?

Is this irrefutable proof that the game is dying?

No, because the DBM guy literally isn’t done and the OP is severely misinformed and trying to spread even more misinformation.

Did you even scroll down?

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Link says its no longer sustainable as full time work to keep working on the addon and the guy is switching to a fund me model.

Sounds like a dying need to me.


I’ve gotten to the point where DBM is more trouble than it’s worth because it has too much non binary youth claiming oppression by feral canine.


Are you an idiot? That stuff was all added in after DBM became almost mandatory.


So… seems like it’s basically just a case of the DBM Author receiving less money from Patreon and Twitch than he’s been getting due to the poor state of the game / people quitting, which means working on the addon less-than-full-time is a possibility if things don’t improve.

The addon isn’t going away. Sounds like, at worst, it might just start updating slower if he isn’t getting enough support to keep working on it full-time.

For now, he’s getting enough support, but it’s come into question, hence the posts.

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Wow seems like everyone wants to just cancel Blizzard at this point. If it isn’t one thing it’ll be another they go nuts about. Bobby is bad, all the male developers are bad, Jen couldn’t get her way so she left, and so on and so forth. What a mess.