So, CEO earned 40 million for actually doing nothing while most valuable in company - passionate WORKERS- are left with underpaying salary?

Those who create value through their art and coding should be the ones who are compensated, not parasitic CEOs.


Profiting is not the point they are trying to make here. No need to down play the exorbitant amount of profit one makes.

You come off very disingenuous with a blanket statement that does not count the differences in the “profit”. Just because it is capitalism doesn’t mean one must make as much as they can when they already have enough to live 5 lifetimes. That is just greed.

so the ceo resembles one of the villains in their many games huh? :slight_smile:

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Who put together the job to offer the coder or artist? Who arranged the capital injection to make sure the company could run to begin with?

Viva la revolucion!

I would not use Japan as a counter example. They very much have a whole slew of problems with their work culture, from overworking people to actual death and driving people to commit suicide.

In context to cities like Kyoto and Tokyo, they’re also significantly underpaid as they are some of the most expensive cities in the world to live in. A CEO being paid a similar salary doesn’t mean they aren’t underpaid. It just means CEOs are underpaid as well.

Oh no … I didn’t put enough effort in a statement I make on a post complaining Blizzards CEO makes to much money (from 5 months ago)… the absolute audacity.

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Not the CEO, that’s for sure. Other underlings in other parts of the company do that, who should also be compensated before the CEO and other board members.


I agree, they should strike out on their own.

How do any of those underlings exist if the CEO doesn’t exist to give them the jobs? You think everyone is just working and then a CEO appears out of nowhere and gets a check?

Yup, that is why you should try harder :wink:

Truly, idqaf whether someone doesn’t think I put enough thought into a post about capitalism on a WoW FORUM. Truly. Not a single one.

Guess Bobby needs a new yacht.


It’s sad, but we all know this world is corrupt at this point. If you’re in the billionaire class you literally live in a different world. Buy off the cops, the courts, fire whomever you want, and take extravagant trips to poorer countries to get a taste of that forbidden fruit and other heinous inner circle crimes. Come back to USA, continue screwing your lower end workers and taking majority of the profits.

Too many little people don’t care anymore. They just want to get their paycheck, go home, tune out to some WoW, rinse and repeat. There’s no fight in the people anymore, which is why the billionaire elites will continue to keep their cycles going and setting up their families for generations to come. Is what it is.


Not to mention there is also culture you arrive before your boss and you don’t leave till after your boss leaves.

You ain’t a peach you are a raisin lol

Huh, guess you are what you eat doesnt mean sh*t then.

This should not be flagged. This should be being discussed.

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I mean, it was discussed five months ago when it was news.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but it’s probably being flagged because it’s a repost, not because Blizzard is trying to censor us.

It’s flagged because General Discussion readers like to flag things. :laughing: