So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

This is not needed and unwanted spam.

Here is a hot tip for you, the forums have a feature that allows you to place a thread on ignore, how about you use that instead of spamming a thread with a giant wall that essentially is a CoC violation.

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Are you really this ignorant that you believe this is the reason RDF isn’t in the game? Are you? Huh?


why do you believe this? let me guess is it because your going to use the ol adage that other aspects were added into the game. Please check historical posts to show the evidence to the contrary. I dont need to reexplain the same thing dis-proven so many times in the same thread lol

It’s true he was around in Wrath, but he was lead class designer. He had nothing to do with content or features or the like.


Because you say stupid crap like RDF wasn’t in the game until ICC. And you keep arguing about it because you’re apparently too ignorant to know how dumb that argument is.


The irony of your comment…

Oh, do explain. I am very interested in this topic, and I am contributing to the discussion. So I would love to know what irony there is.

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

I’m good, would be a waste of time.

So no real response. I expected no less.

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Then why ask?

Did it come out beforehand and I wasnt aware?

reading wowwiki they might be wrong as well should ask them to change that.
https:// wowpedia.fandom (.) com/wiki/Patch_3.3.0

Again you say stupid things. How dumb do you have to be to pretend features and tools are being released in WrathC on the same timeline as the original?

For real you either don’t play or you’re the dumbest person on these forums.

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when you run out of actual arguments resort to personal attacks. I already shown why I believe that case if you want to check it out. But I assume you wont :slight_smile:

He doesn’t even live in USA, English isn’t his first language so he doesn’t understand half the nuances or references he makes. He’s somewhere within the NA, so he doesn’t even understand US server problems either but speaks on it like he does.

They really need to turn NA forums to US servers only to avoid this confusion.

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So you are around still. I am still waiting on those stats :slight_smile:

You say stupid things. That’s a you problem.

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But there isnt any dungeon finder? Does that make it a you problem?

Nah i’m good, I want to conversate with people who play on USA servers as that is primarily the people in this conversation. No use speaking to someone who doesn’t even know what we’re dealing with, that’s like me going to the EU forums and trying to educate them on their own game having never played on their servers.

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There should be RDF. That’s a Blizzard problem and we’re letting them know. And you don’t have to like it.


NA server you mean? Where are the USA servers? I would like to see them separate those out :slight_smile: cant find the stats or facts for claims its ok.