So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

I didnt hide that i switched or why. So…

If you want evidence.

This is all cap.

They only did rep because there was no chance of winning because of the horde cave and not ever being able to hold ibgy because you all respawn right next to it at your cave up to 20 at a time.

This has been explained to you 100s of times and you still can’t grasp it.

Heck they even fixed holding the druids.

Alliance who are holding ibgy on a soft cap respawn 2+ minutes away up to 10 at a time all the way back north and horde who are trying to retake ibgy soft cap respawn up to 20 at a time 30 sec seconds away, gee I wonder who’s going to put reinforce who here?

Once again you know all this and choose to ignore it and try to write what you think is going on but have no idea as usual.


Ram Team 7. Yes it’s all coming back to me…


Any dungeon doers?

Remember when he cried about the rams so I coined the phrase ram team 7.

Or his “meat grinder” strat?


Easily the most hilarious thread of all time.

i think it wouldve been good for old content

Blizz locking servers that left my guild split between two servers due to the timing of the xfers and STILL not unlocking them even to players with toons on the server is what did it for me. TBH, I think they tanked Wrath because they thought they had a hit with Dragonflight which they seem to have…

yall keep feeding the redhead troll. this dude gets banned at least once a week for incessantly trolling every single rdf thread. just ignore anything he posts. this guy doesnt even play the game and keeps talking about all the friends he has running dungeons all the time lmao

He gets carried in his guild.

Dudes literally ranked like 39th in DPS in his guild that has 2 raid teams.

He shows up to get carried every single week because he said he can’t be bothered to try because naxx is easy…

Imagine thinking doing your rotation right and using consumables is too exhausting.


WoTLK social experience: Enter the LFG queue, get a random invite, get a whisper saying which dungeon, do dungeon and disband. The amount of interaction in that system is so overwhelmingly higher than LFD, I totally see your point.


3rd grade take.

No, making a macro to spam the LFG channel is the height of social interaction!!

The fact remains even with RDF in the game people can form groups however they like, with whomever they like. So it’s not about some fictional social interaction. It’s about controlling how others play the game.


2nd grade take.

Interpreted: “I cannot see fault with the description of your experience, therefore I will try to look clever with a cool three-word quip.”


I can fault it.

You don’t understand what the social experience means. You apply a 3rd grade level interpretation and form a bad opinion based on a bad understanding.

Like a 3rd grader.

So now even heroics are dead. First month of wotlk launch I could open group finder and be in a heroic in under 3 minutes. Made it super easy to farm all the emblems and gear up. Now im sitting in que for 20 minutes just trying to get the heroic daily done. This game will be completely unplayable by the time ulduar comes out. Guess its time to start working on my dragonflight characters since blizzard doesnt feel the need to have active players in classic anymore

wrath is just a bad game
lack of RDF feature had nothing to do with anything

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Gee it’s almost like the modern player finishes most of the dungeon content up front, and then it slows to a crawl as only die hards are gonna level 3+ toons.

And the die hards have friends who are also die hards, so they don’t pug.

Wow who could have predicted this?

it’s better than the logic of “wrath classic sucks. wrath classic no have RDF. therefore, RDF make wrath classic good”.