So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

I agree, it should be added now, as all the other features that were added through wrath were added early, including Random Battlegrounds, which didn’t come out until AFTER dungeon finder.

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No MMO uses Steam as it’s main launcher, which is why the numbers appear low. Classic has a very low playerbase.

Aren’t you supposed to be in Retail exploiting people for gold or being toxic to healers?

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Do you have numbers to back that up? Sub count? I see the lul in players as vacationers leave so if you think this is “dead” to me classic was never going to make it no matter what they did. As the hype from launch is gone this is the true playerbase that you see…

You spend 20 min finding a group, that says it all.

I am the Prophet of Wrath, shouldn’t you be over on Gen forums harassing me?


Sometimes, yes. Sometimes things are so screwed up that it can’t go back to being what it was, so more changes are needed to make it acceptable.

We’re so far past no changes that this isn’t even remotely a valid argument anymore.


I think they either needed to add it from the start or not add any of them till they should be released. Its silly both ways. Id like the most accurate experience but sadly not the case.

Hey if you so good then you dont need Dungeon finder at all case solved?

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Apperantly, according to another thread, he is the tank everyone wants, and casuals shouldn’t be doing normal Mythic dungeons on Retail. He is a troll.

First of all, public forums. I am not harassing you when you troll the forums with such nonsense.

Yeah, guess you all could say, I’m easily baited into troll threads

Idk what this questions means.


I agree I had my gathering alt (I boosted it BTW) flying around the old world and Outlands getting herbs and ore for my main, and the only other players I saw were people doing the same thing as me, gathering (I suspect many were bots as they were mostly level 59 or level 80 DKs). There were only a few times I actually saw someone level appropriate in a zone.

I understand as English isnt my first language either. If your poking fun at how long it takes the average person to find a group and its so fast then by reasoning adding dungeon finder isnt adding anything as groups are easy to find :slight_smile:

Once again read here why RDF is needed:

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But you said

So doesnt that help at all if im the one being made fun of for how long it takes to find a dungeon?

Maybe this is also the language barrier but I wasn’t making fun of you but rather the state of the game.

The game is alive with thousands of active players every week.

So is New World.

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Can you link numbers that prove that? doesnt seem that way? Seems like the vacationers that came with the hype left and its normalized?

i love how you go to definition for that but when someone points out that classic is defined as restoring ti to the original state, then its all… no thats not what classic means to us.

you dont call a 65 mustang a classic if your replace the engine with a v8. you call it modified. if you make any changes to a product then it is no longer classic.


You spend 20 min finding a group, that says everything you need to know about player numbers.

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