So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

people on the forums are “doomers” they sit at max level and if they cant find a heroic in 1 minute they complain when I dont see the issue. I main malee DPS and dont have issues with groups it probably takes about 20 minutes messaging people but its nothing more then the wait that Dungeon finder would be. At low levels back in TBC/Wrath it was rare to do dungeons while under level 70. Unless you had some luck on a very high pop server and played prime time. I think people miss remember how leveling was with rose tinted glasses.


It is spam though. With how popular the topic is it will always be bumped to the top so new people will always see it. One or two posts are fine for discussion.

The problem is when there is a wall of 20 posts about the same thing with comments repeating the same arguements with the same people. I had to ask how to hide them all so I could read anything else.

The topic is so done to death and keeps getting spammed by the same people that I’m sure the average forum reader is just apathetic to either side by now and wants it to stop or at least contain itself.


Lmao how tf are you waiting 20 minutes for a single Heroic?


No, it is abundantly clear you have zero knowledge about software development. You are attempting to use outdated information to describe an industry that has had so many changes and redefinitions of services and solutions that anything more than 1 year old is useless.

That definition was designed around a time when the software was monolithic and content and features were released together. Today software is far from that and uses an agile approach where individual features and content are separated to allow developers to make small changes on the fly without large monolithic patches or changes.

You have zero clue and are attempting to gaslight us with some definition that has no relevance to today’s software world.


right. SO im not sure others issues. I do other things and every few minutes do the ol check groups and post my name.

Idk dude if I had to spend 20 min to find a group i’d find a non-dead game.


weird I should change professions then. You got me lol. sure showed me with that facts and not just opinionated statements :slight_smile:

It used to be way longer in original wrath using trade chat to find people. How is the game defined to be “dead” in your opinion? I am not sure I follow it seems classic is doing very well even if you compare it to competitors. Since Blizz doesnt post sub numbers its hard to tell but if we look at mmorpgs on Steam we can tell that they dont need to hit crazy numbers for a mmorpg…

And Blizzard had shown that:

A. They didn’t really ever want to do classic servers. Ever!

B. That clearly despite Blizzards own interest and position, many people would still go to 3rd party sources and play older versions of the game and that can still be a lot of $$$. Shareholders money.

C. How vindictive they can be. Digging through Blizzards closet its easy to find many skeletons. They’ve even admitted to how cut throat and vindictive their developers can be.

D. Its obvious that even a good deed can be born out of spite. Having the idea that Classic was done for the community is laughable. Far more likely the shareholders damanded them do it after seeing all the players on Nostrollious.

E. Their own vindictive, spiteful behavior drove to many developers wanting to sabotage Classic. Kind of (awfully rogue of me to admit this) like poisoning a man a little at a time so no one suspects foulplay.

That’s why we don’t have rdf and ultimately why we won’t be getting it ever. Blizzard doesn’t want Classic to succeed. It needs to fail and has to fail. If Classic started to perform better then Retail that’d make Blizzard look incompetent (can’t have that).


Here, educate yourself


sure got me im putting in resignation as we speak. jeez I wish I know this earlier.

Yeah I am sure you do.

FYI: * At least 71% of U.S. companies are now using Agile.

Gotta love them FACTS huh?


add to that list:
3.1.0 04/15/2009

  • Ground Mounts no longer dismissing when you enter water
  • 2-hour refundable items when purchased with alternate currencies (badges, honor, etc.)
  • Class Roles in the LFG feature
  • Players will now be able to queue for battlegrounds from any location. Leaving a battleground will return you to the location from which you entered.

3.1.2 05/19/2009

  • Equipment Manager (saving sets)

3.2.0 08/05/2009

  • 2 hour “just in case” trade window for raid & dungeon loot
  • Upgraded cat/bear form art
  • EXP through battlegrounds
  • NPCs to turn EXP gain off
  • Shorter mount cast time
  • Apprentice Riding at level 20
  • Journeyman Riding at level 40
  • Expert Riding at level 60
  • Expert Riding flight speed changed to 150% instead of 60% (faster than ground mounts now!)
  • Double-paned quest log for easier quest info viewing
  • More mailboxes in the capital cities

3.3.0 12/09/2009

  • Maximum character level limitations for meeting stones removed
  • Dungeon & Raid difficulty shown on the minimap
  • Knockbacks no longer dismounting players

3.3.3 03/23/2010

  • Random Battleground feature
  • Battlegrounds will no longer award Marks of Honor

Greed, I boosted to 70 3 weeks ago, and I’ve been having a blast leveling in Wrath, but had i not been given a boost option, there was no way to grind pretty much solo from lvl 24 to 68!


I mean, it begs the question if WoW classic is dead. From my relatively narrow viewpoint it looks like we are down by half from launch and I think the old world and to a lesser extent Outland is dead. Even lower level Northrend zones are as well. I think RDF could help there but the game is still probably successful


I cant even see his post, i likely agree with it, but still flagging as spam

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there we go add it with ICC then? add the features when they should come out for an actual experience anything but is you wanting what YOU want not what actually happaned.


If that’s what they were doing I think people would live with that. But that’s clearly not what they’re doing. And you know that. They also added features early in TBC. So they’ve been consistently inconsistent the entire time.


So more wrongs make it right? Id rather make it more correct and fix the it rather then make more changes. When I go to a museum I want to see the art as it was historically not what I want changed.

I looked up populations couple days back, was appx;

Retail ~ World of Warcraft is estimated to have 1,172,558 players per day this month.

ht tps://

Classic ~ World of Warcraft Classic is estimated to have 1,047,166 players per day this month.

ht tps://