Im well aware there are differences. That doesnt mean lfr was not inspired by rdf, nor does it mean coding assets from rdf were not reused to some degree for lfr.
Here, found something for all those who says Dungeon Finder lead to Raid Finder:
Q.Who is Raid Finder for?
A. Raid Finder is primarily intended for players who don’t already raid consistently. These are players who may not have had the opportunity to take part in raid content due to scheduling conflicts, playtime constraints, limited access to other raid-capable players, or a lack of experience with higher-end content. These players may want to experience World of Warcraft’s raid content and storyline without being able to commit to the additional time investment of a raiding guild. The Raid Finder is also a great way to quickly and easily gear up alternate characters without having to worry about raid lockouts.
I can realize the good of RDF, but also the bad. Before WotLK, people were still running level 1-60 content, and I’d run into the same people in pugs, and get to know people, get added to friends’ lists, etc. The pro RDF side keeps trying to say no one says more than “gg” in pugs anyways, but that’s really not true. RDF would straight up end the social aspect, and possible friend making potential of pugging with the same people on your server on a regular basis.
But the bottom line, if you can’t get groups in the first place, none of that matters.
It is also irrelevant to Dungeon Finder as well. That is what I was getting at.
Yeah, because it isn’t the Dungeon Finder who destroys the social aspect, it is the playerbase who just chose to ignore the chat completely. I log in, I look in LFG channel for a Heroic Dungeon, I don’t even see a hello or GG. Only thing I see is “Summon”. You know what I do to change it from only “Summon”? I start typing in chat, saying stuff like “hello, how are you all”, etc.
Start the conversation. It is the same thing with doing Dungeons on Retail. Start the conversation.
They are similar in their design and in the reason they were added. The design goal intententions that brought us rdf is the same design goal intention that brought lfr.
That’s true too, but the point I was making is even if you only say “gg” to people, if they’re players on your server, you might see them again the next day, in the next pug you do. And after a while, you might get used to playing with them and becoming friends. I’ve done that server times. RDF would stop those friendships from forming.
You do not need to coordinate a dedicated time to run a 5-man dungeon, or let alone, spend 3 hours tops in the same dungeon scratching your head on telling people to follow mechanics or wipe, unlike Normal and Heroic versions of raids. They are dungeons, not raids.
My guild doesn’t set up Wednesday night raid nights just to do Heroic Violet Hold.
People still make friends within retail to this day, with and without LFD. If you can type in chat, saying “want to be friends” with someone while doing a dungeon through Dungeon Finder, that is a you problem.