So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

Wrath is already dead. It’s too late for RDF. Sorry.

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i think it’s more funny people thought retail tourists were the issue… well i did say months ago this is a classic on classic war

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both blizzard and the “classic andys” have perverted the word classic. thats the problem. people are drawn in by an ad promising you can relive your classic wow experience with no mention of rdf being removed or all the features thrown in at the start or the retail features replacing true classic features. its pure garbage when you dive into it.


The abolition of RDF saved WotLK. RDF is half the reason we have classic servers in the first place, it literally killed the game. Wrath would have been dead on arrival with RDF in, WotLK classic is thriving thanks to RDF’s deletion. The vast majority of people crying about RDF on these forums are posting on retail characters and literally aren’t even relevant to classic, yourself included OP.

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yea i mean i don’t rly care either way i just log into raid and go back to retail

some omega copium that it was retail players wanting rdf

or not wanting rdf (depending on what side you were arguing with)

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you astonish me with your ignorance, you have ZERO proof of this while there is plenty of proof that rdf did nothing to encourage the decline. you want too look for a reason that wow had its downfall? ask the devs, they claim it was catas character mechanics changes and the world map changes that started the fall in popularity. as far as communities go? rdf didnt kill communities, self entitled dweebs with a toxic nature and their own discord killed community in wow. there hasnt been any realm or faction loyalty since pandara. rdf had NOTHING to do with it.

go peddle your garbage to people are fools, we arent that stupid.

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It’s been apparent from day one of classic that the mythical classic player who loved EQ design but for some reason played vanilla was always just looking back on WoW with the thickest of rose colored glasses.

retail is retail and players have a right to their opinions and choices. what riles me is these folks coming in here spewing ignorant comments with no proof to back anything up, regurgitating debunked talking points as if they are the truth and factual.

everyone who pays to play the game has a right to their choices and opinions, just so long as they arent on here trying to pass their feelings off as fact.


yea i mean i just think it’s funny. a lot of people clearly only played during ICC patch because they talk about RDF like it’s their whole wotlk experience and that’s fine. also everyone rolled a ret paladin further showing this. it’s just funny to me.

maybe the “cata baby” memes weren’t memes after all.

Sounds more like dead servers rather than dead Wrath. I’m having a blast.

It’s more that RDF was a wildly popular feature of wrath and most people regardless of how long they’d been playing were quite happy when it was added(just like most people were happy with CRBG’s in vanilla).

Now that we’re on you know wrath classic they very reasonably expected a major wrath feature that addresses a lot of real problems to be part of it as #nochanges no longer applies to RDF.

Take a look at the post cataclysm sub trajectories. WoW has only been in a state of consistent decline the more they added cross-realm grouping and automation. Vanilla and TBC saw the explosive growth of WoW, vanilla was the true golden age.

yea i mean like i said i don’t care either way i’m sure it’ll help people if it got added. but i also get why ppl don’t want it in the game.

oh well, play the game ur given.

Yes Garmuck you were right all along.

Are you perpetually drunk? I already told you it’s a Blizzard problem.

Good christ…


I’m still playing all content just fine. RDF would have just led to burnout on easy mode content faster. I hear there’s plenty of “places” around that have RDF, how’s about ya try there? Classic will be just fine without. Hell I’m levelling alts right now and not having a problem finding groups. At max level I can get an invite fairly easily even as my terrible War DPS, and I don’t have to message people I just treat the new group tool like RDF (queue, go do other stuff). Sure my experience doesn’t negate yours but I have no regrets and still see no reason to implement RDF.

All I know is, if there was random heroic finder, I’d be running them right now for fun listening to some music, even though I need no gear from them. But I aint going out of my way to form a group for 20 min and fly there when I need nothing.

Not to mention it’s most needed 1-70, 80 I can put up with not having it. But there’s zero motivation for me to walk from Redridge mountains to RFK for 30 minutes, after forming a group for 30 min, for half a lvl, when I could have gotten 2 levels questing.


I earnestly hope you find a hobby one day Garmuck i dont think spamming this much bait can be good for your mental wellbeing.


“Well i already paid $15 to play this game, i might as well give retail a chance and if i like it, I’ll just buy the new expansion.”

Blizzard wins.

Thats why Classic can’t be great. Thats why rdf can’t be in the game. Anything that’d make classic shine and people would save their money and play a out dated free’er version.

Garmuch back at it again not leaving his house and posting the same thing everyday. But I am all for RDF for sure