So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

If Wrath is so dead, then why the complainers still here posting about it? Why haven’t you just moved on? Lol

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the wintergrasp has them hooked maybe.

classic one is so much better. I even have siri remind its time so I stop retail work on the hunter I prep for season 1 to log in to wrath to run it. Maybe dabble in the rng daily or even a spin or 2 of av.

I pay for 2 games with 1 sub so I use that fully lol.

this imo lol

check ironforge pro wrath is nowhere near dead and has had a slight drop in players due to what we knew was going to be a boring phase 1 Ulduar will bring even more players back. Stop pushing your false narrative lil bro.

Wrath classic is at half or less than what it was at launch and that is only going to keep trending down.

Now there’s nothing inherently unexpected about that, it was always going to be the fate of a rerelease that would never bring in anything more than minimal new players. Lack of RDF certainly doesn’t help anything though.


Wrath turned out to be a game where you raid log. That killed it more than anything.

I miss vanilla.


Wrath is alive and well.

so thats why theyve been removing layers from servers because, according to you, the game is alive and well? wow you bought into the smoke and mirrors lol


Who cares? Plenty of people left to do wotlk content within a reasonable time frame.

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Yep if by that you mean max level wrath dungeons and raids.


really? on maladath you dont get that many people in LFG unless its a 3 hour prime time EST window and then they are mostly in top 5 levels wanting to run northrend. those left leveling cant find groups to pug dungeons because there arent… as you put it…

but yeah you go ahead, keep believing your experience is everyones experience. when they run out of layers to remove what do you think will happen… server merges and/or forced transfers.


70-80 content still no issue. Just finished my third alt through wotlk content. Groups for everything along the way.

Eranikus horde and faerlina

No queue = Wrath is dead.

If I’m not lagging to the point I can’t even use the AH in Dalaran, why even play this dead game?

then you probably pvp’ed your way to the top. i know both those servers and no way you worked your way up grouping for dungeons through the old content. you cycled through the battleground pvp random battleground finder is what i believe you did, its common on both those server as well as skyfury and anger forge. and then you come here and try and tell us that its all rainbows and picket fences.

dont buy an ounce of what youre trying to sell because, you see, i was there on those servers BECAUSE people like you swore to no trouble getting groups. was pure fiction.

Perhaps try a different server ? Eranikus is open and doing quite well on the horde side. People are raid logging but that’s expected in classic, particularly phase 1 of wotlk with the nax rehash.

Ulduar will see the population surge again.

So your solution was to go to… Maladath?

Not sure how you decided to move from Faerlina and Eranikus to Maladath and then get upset about population.

Seems like you made a mistake. It’s not too late to get going on Eranikus. Right on time for Ulduar in a few weeks.

ive tried atieah, pagle, old blanchy, westfall, eranikus, faerlina, finally settled on maladath because it was a fresh server, turns out a portion of the population at the start were the people suffering from long que times and bailed when it got fixed. then theres the other 20% that blizz is catering too that are the min/max gatekeeping elitists that enjoy trolling and being toxic in LFG chat when you list yourself for a group, and now… for the last couple of weeks, lfg is a wasteland except for the 70-80 branch and still maybe only 20 people in it.

there were no runs to be had unless i wanted loot locked runs where i got to roll on nothing, or tanks wanting me to pay them for the run, or… and these were my favorite… run all the way to the stone to get there only finding the others there and the tank saying “just wanted to see if you would come all the way out here… lol, youre out” and kicked from party.

Good lord. Just a string of terrible decisions and then you lash out by blaming the game.

You are THE model Classic player.