So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

Yeah. About a month ago he claimed Dragonflight would kill Wrath. Now he’s claiming Wrath is dead because of no RDF. I know he’s full of it because I’m on the same server as he is (Grobbulus) and Dalaran is packed during prime time.

He also stated he was leaving for Dragonflight. But now he’s posting on the retail forums that he is bored with Dragonflight or that crafting commisson pricing is unfair. So now he’s back to the Wrath forums making posts about how he’s excited for Cata.

He’s all over the place lol.

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he is a troll but not good enough to best me. I dont need to ignore him but because of his inability to actually make an argument or disprove real arguments he only had the choice to mute this character admitting once and for all that he is defeated :slight_smile:

I wear it as a badge of honor knowing that I got to him with my reasoning so badly that either he would need to change his mind or block it thus more echo chamber.


He does that a lot in his posts. I’m replying to you but he felt the need to reply to me about my London joke and the only thing he could come up with is “they might as well be” lol.

he is now lost on his own topic since he is replying to nothing. I guess raging at wow while supporting it with his sub just to complain on forums doesnt work well.

What my original argument was make a reasonable request and give them pros and cons to Blizzard instead of saying “WoW died bc no Dungeon finder thx blizz” isnt going to help the situation. Not having an open mind for reasoning or alternatives doesnt help either. He wants an echo chamber and anyone he cant simply be like “WELL THIS FEATURE WAS ADDED” simply plays them off as he is a “better player” whatever that means these days. And when non of those tactics works he cant think straight and rages lol

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I lean towards the anti RDF side until I want to level a low level alt. I got 1 of each class to level 70 before prepatch, so I’d never have to worry about that, but I started to level up 1 of each class alliance side to do the same, and even on Pagle with a huge alliance population, it’s hard to find groups for level 1-60 content.

I mean, I can still log in at 3am, use the LFG tool and find a group for a level 80 heroic in less than 30 seconds, but the only time I can find a group for ZF or Mara or something, is during peak times and not always then.

If I wasn’t on a mega server, forget it.


yeah they are real quick to hide the mistake or mark it as spam. really abusing the system when it comes to RDF posts just because they don’t agree with players who are voicing their opinions on a matter that concerns them

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Yeah this is typically the realization point.

grobbulus gets no say in this argument whatsoever. its literally the only RP server, so of course its packed with nerds all trying to live out their role playing fantasies in dungeons. Its a specialized server and the only of its kind. Might as well be a private server

Its always the grob nerds coming on here trolling everyone. And I get why. RDF would probably ruin an aspect of your server alot of you like. But you dont speak in any way for the vast majority of other servers that are severely suffering

sometimes it can take literal DAYS to get a group together for 1-60 content. And this coming from one of the highest population servers in wraith

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Basically this.

Since the goal of Classic is to allow players to experience what WoW was like back in the day, not having a dungeon finder gives a more authentic experience. After all, when WOTLK was current content in retail, players didn’t have dungeon finder.

However, not all new features are bad. Some features, such as the dungeon finder, greatly improve the game over what came before.

Not having rdf didnt kill classic. DF killed classic. RDF will just further destroy wrath classic if they implemented it. The only thing thats saving classic right now and wrath still being a great classic experience is because it doesnt have RDF.

The only reason why its popular here in forums is because whinners tend to come and cry here while the big majority of wrath population who dont like rdf are too busy playing the game.

If blizzard wants to kill wrath even faster then yea i think they should implement rdf lol

Wrath was always intended to be a Dragonflight waiting room. Wrath is what killed wrath.

I agree 100%. I leveled a character 70-80, got decently geared, did all the end game content and had a blast doing it. However, because its such a grind to level an alt I wont really play until new content is released. RDF should be in game to help level through irrelevant content.

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Apparently you’re new to Classic. Go read patch notes. Compare to original patch notes.

Yes u can admit it. No rdf killed tbc. Of course it was gonna kill wotlk

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Not really. They had rdf for all content and tben they removrd it for mythic dungeons. They tried to move away frim rdf. That is why i stipped playing. Next to not giving us solo que for arenas.

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And it only works in retail because M+ is very different from regular dungeons(and whatever garbage H+ will be)

Not only is the LFG Tool in retail cross realm it also has a much better implementation in terms of general usability. And since M+ scale up to current raid level M+ are always part of the progression path so virtually everyone has a reason to run them the entire expansion, ensuring a large player base.

Now compare that to heroics in wrath, you can max out your heroic gear in a few days within hitting 80 and then you’re effectively done with them for the entire expansion. H+ won’t bring those players back as most people are already in better gear than they’ll drop. Meaning they’ll only appeal as a catch up mechanics, which due to lack of RDF discouraging many people from making alts in the first place won’t even be as useful as it should be.

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Nope … no rdf in this phase is fine

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Can you remind me when original Wrath had Retail’s LFG system and the Mythic dungeons coming with Ulduar?


Dude, the first 3 replies were from you on a different account. You just talk to yourself now?