So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

What server are you on and what realm do you play in?

by your logic thats simply a you problem?

Just using your wording and argument against you and it sucks but hey your the one bringing it up. If you want the actual stiuff read up I got it all laid out. Or you simply dont want your mind changed and just wanted to see that echo chamber. To each their own :slight_smile:

You said USA servers I want to know which those are?

Which ones are those?

Which realm are you on buddy, idk how bad your english comprehension is but I can google translate to your native language if you want.

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im on a NA one lol. why do you ask?

Grobbulus, Benediction, Fearlina? Hello? What realm/server?

Are these those USA servers your referring to?

Pick one:

http s://

Which one are you in?

If you tell me which one is the USA one?

Every realm on that link I sent you is the USA one. This topic is for USA players only, there is no EU or some other non-USA server player here.

If you are not part of the USA servers your opinion doesn’t mean anything to us because you don’t know anything that we have to deal with on our servers.

according to your link its for Americas region. Which I think you may be ignorant as to what Americas means…
https:// en (.) wikipedia (.) org/wiki/Americas

Ok we’re done here, i’m not bout to let a guy who has a 1st grade grasp on the English language tell me about NA server problems when he spends 20 minutes to find a group and doesn’t want RDF.

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again NA means North America and it means more than USA if you know grade 5 geography…

admitting that you are ignorant to geography lol im in NA I am not in USA lol. Its really simple if you took basic elementary school.


Sorry I don’t speak blocked, go peddle you anti-RDF propaganda to someone else.


admitting that he cant argue and doesnt realise that North America is a continent with more than just USA in it lol


Lol right? He probably thinks EU servers comprise only of people in the city of London.

For a “troll” he rly doesnt think too much about hey maybe quickly google North America and see that there are actually a few countries that play on these servers lol. Its easy to tell where someone is if they have English as a 2nd language and plays NA servers lol.

He also count answer his own claim which is funny as I simply asked where he got his info and if there where any stats or proof it was just silence then personal attacks which usually indicate lack of any real argument.

I told him i have an open mind for his argument as well if he can define what he means but sadly he so ragin he muted lol


They might as well tbh

How can there be a battle for the title of sweatiest forum nerd without the reigning champ involved?

that would be me. Imagine besting him so bad he rages.

even though im pro Dungeon finder in Wrath Classic LOL

Winner gets to face me.

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