So... can shadow priests have some love in pve?

but duuuude the only value i recognize is seeing my ranking on warcraft logs :expressionless:

Like Paladin, Shaman and Druid. 3 support classes which should not be top dps.

last I checked we don’t know what is top dps, and I already posted above that I hate how they are making paladin into a forced dps kind instead of support. But also they gave the world buff to warriors so I’m not about to accept less damage AND less utility.

Pretty sure that is not a shadow priest spell. Try testing it out and perhaps hit level 60? I’ve personally tested it for hours and came to a conclusion snapshotting is not a thing. Go run some more tests bud.

the world buff is a nerfeed version its not a fully ony buff its 1/2 of the ony buff!!!

Don’t you know? Spriests are the only hybrid tax’d class in the game…TOO MUCH UTILITY YOU SEE!! :crazy_face:

Just ignore the fact that pallies, shamans and druids have more than priests!

It’s only 30 less AP and 5% less crit, and still infinitely more powerful than all other buffs in the game.

They are literally fine in dps rankings, literally the best all around class for any content.

it is a thing with damage multipliers casted on you

you get pi → you recast your dots, as long as you refresh them with the head rune, they gain 20% damage the entire time

in this log, i get pi’d at 23 seconds and i refresh my dots @ 0:34 (completely sleeping btw, bad play)

you can see that my void plague’s base damage becomes 943.5 and doesn’t go downwards

you can see in the log that 46k damage was deducted from me and given to sinner (the disc priest who used pi on me)

World first heat 3 mc already stacked 3-4 shadow priests cause they are OP. You can replace all the healers accept one with shadow priests well they dps. No one feels bad for spriest. You can’t buff shadow damage without a rune that removes VE healing they already are broken op as is.

Yea as sad as it is, I can see VE party healing getting a nerf baseline.

Clearly you didn’t play WOTLK.

No shadow brings UTILTY to the raid so there damage doesnt have be crazy high

General information so that you generally know where Spriest is standing.
PTR top Spriest logs that I found (PTR logging was bugged, so rankings were wrong, all the logs I saw were personally posted by Spriests for the purpose of gauging our DPS) were at around 2200 best case in PTR gear (Generally full 0.5, fairly good gear, best possible debuffs, snapshots, etc). 6pc T1 bonus makes us use mind flay instead of SWD in our rotation, requiring us to use mind flay spell range, as they haven’t upped the range, and adds maybe 400dps.
Boomkins were about the same level as us on DPS in the PTR, maybe slightly behind on average (50dps or so) but I don’t know boomie well enough to know how their damage will increase with tier.

We now have logs to look at, so we can just use those.

Shadow priests are on the leader page of the logs right now. Maybe you are just bad?

True, but it’ll be a little bit before we can get accurate rankings. Spriest is always strong to begin a phase, and falls off hard. We’ve usually been one of the top ranking DPS at phase start, and fall to the bottom by the end.

Also one of the dps classes with the least scaling power in their talents, making them more reliant on gearing, and we have the best combination of gearing options and runes in this phase.

I think again, the big issue isn’t dps. They are a support class not a pure dps. The big issue is VE getting a huge nerf because of Heat 3.

True, but even our scaling from gear is pretty awful. The only significant DPS boost from gear we’re going to receive is 6p bonus, which while great, is going to be a tough set bonus to break in future content, but I guess we’ll see.
Meh. Blizzard wants Spriest to be focused on support, but we don’t have any unique support, which really just makes us good at carrying dad guilds and pugs. They’ve said they’re not going to nerf VE though (Maybe they’ll do it anyway) so I doubt anything is going to change.
Spriest has been bad for all of SOD though, and the reasons have never been addressed, only poorly justified. No amount of gearing is going to fix it.

Shadow priests have the best mana regen for party, and the best aoe healing for a dps, doing more healing in fights than actual healers. What do you mean no unique utility…

They are also the only alliance class that can purge magic effects.